third a part of the vocabulary from Dalagoa Bay, collected
by White j the fourth contains the specimens above mentioned
of the dialects of the Mosambique country; the fifth some
words of the idiom of the Suhaili; the sixth a part of the vocabularies
of Malemba and Embomma, collected by Tuckey
on the coasts of Kongo and Angola; and the last some words
given by Oldendorp as specimens of four other dialects spoken
in the empire of Kongo. To these I shall add a specimen,
extending only to the numerals, of the Sonho, a dialect of the
Kongo language, and of the Banda which is the idiom of the
Jagas, in the countries lying eastward of Kongo. These last
are taken from Mr. Bowdich’s Memoir on the Discoveries of
the Portuguese.
T) a ta ro a KjONGo d ia l e c t ^ K o n g o d ia l e c t s o x h o a n d
E n g l is h . K o s a h . B e c h u a n a . ^ ^ A M o sam b iq .u e . S u h a i l i . f r o m .f r o m
Stihaili or Sowauli words from a Vocabulary by Salt.—Kongo dialects from Tuckey are—Malemba (1).—Embomma (2).
Kongo dialects from Oldendorp are his four last, viz. Loango, Camba, Mandongo, Kongo, numbered successively.