always used1 in extend not only northward
If! the-Amako’safr^ or f^^lnsterri coast;, .^bnt reach quite
IfiïOss the *cra^nehty^cyonditK^^^ptó^)f the;,Namaaqua
Hottentot^; tó thé f|^el'o%Sif^SVtla'é£ió‘, How far northward
■Katferlanf, orKafiria, epfrids, and h | | | many African‘tribes
or natioris^bêi^hg; th%he ^a&e^ l^-Vlet' unknown'; Butcfrom the
results^ofwariius inquiries1; that a; great
part%ofthe nati\e*jfcfkiiL'l^ti0n,0$!A!iivfcat'6|the southward of the
«equator wlSS^sHo this' r è i c e ^ O i ? nearly-related
to it.
I shall, in the' first ‘the na^fknf wluf are^
'Considered by wél-1-ihformed w%itètfe||| undoubtedly beldagin^
|fefth.'e Kafir race, and in a foliowMgAGh^rte^ shall *adyert tdl
the;', supposed‘•èxténsïöh bf the*saure^l^MÏiy^G^^rds’ the north
ï ‘ Thé^follpwlhg diStori campri^isSifhe prin<%pal tribes^-^r^
l.-The Amahosulvor the Kosa Kafirs,«iureiTn e a ^ fé to'the|
south :■’with these ^èity befl^jfoined iho^-tribe f ofeyjwat > inhai^j
Mathimba,r or Tambuki Kafirs, further towatds thh-nörtfr,
who speak the same dialect as the«Amak'c)sab$ us^vyelhasi the
Amapondah, who inhabit the sea-coast to jhe'^^stu ard of;
^’ 2.^ The Bechuana tribeV in the intéMhwSJlthern Africa
are an extensive subdivision of the’ Kafir THeir lan-
W gM termed the Sichuana, is’ spoken through a gfcat^e Xt <;fit
of .country. It differs from tih®.Kosa; buki^’^. diidhej|of the
same speech*
3. The Damaras, further towards thp . Who; inhabit
mountainous tracts ofreountry bordering oi^tfeeAtlan^eQcean,
to the northward of Namaaqhalhnd.
4. The Amazhlhh, ZoolahJ|fe Vatwahs, a powerful |n jf
warlike nation of the Kafir racked the* northward bf tté>Be-
ehhanas, the extent of whose couhtry is unknowp^^^^y
5; The people about Dalagoa Bay,,frifthei1Jp tfre?horth-
wardthan the coast of* Natal, who may be termed'» l e d or
native inhabitants, and who in many places hW^suffered
from the devastations*ofthelZtfblahs, though differingdn many
respects from the tribes already enumerated, are“ considered"
by~well-informed peYsons asi certainly a part of th'es&me stock.
Their peculiarities will be noticed in the sequel. I shall.first