The annexed plate contains fighres of two Hottentot females,
from the collection of portraits by Mr. Daniells. They appear
to he very characteristic of the Hottentot physiognomy,«-and
display something of that approximation to the.; Chinese
which has been pointed out by Mr. Barrow and other writers.
The reader will find some further details, on certain anatomical
peculiarities of the Hottentots in a. note at the end of
this section.
' S e c t io n III.— Of the Kafirs.
1. General Observations on the History of the Kafirs.
When the Portuguese navigators of the Indian Ocean came
to the coast of Mosambique and Sofala, they found there inhabitants
of two kinds, Arabian settlers of mixed or pure blood,
and the black natives of the country: the former were Mof.
hammedans, and they were termed-Moors by the Portuguese,
who had been accustomed to give that name to people of the
same religion and of similar manners in the north of Africa:
the latter were called by the Arabs, Kafirs, or infidels, and
the Portuguese adopted for them the same denomination.' In
the account of the voyage of Friar loao dos Sanetos to the
Zambesi and Sofala, we find these" two classes of inhabitants
everywhere distinguished and termed accordingly. The Dutch
voyagers who followed the Portuguese in'their expeditions to
the African coast, gave after them the same denomination -to
the aborigines of the eastern parts. The only tribe who lived
near to the Dutch colony at the Cape of Good Hope Were
the Kosas, and to these the name of Kafir was appropriated.
Other tribes became afterwards known, who, speaking the
same language* and resembling the Kosas in manners, were
considered as likewise belonging to the race which had received
the denomination of Kafirs. This term is now generally
used in the sense here expressed. Under the name of
Kaffers, or more properly Kafirs, are comprised all the nations
or tribes who by affinity of speech are proved to belong to
the same race as the Kosas, or Amakosah.
It is now well known that tribes of Kafirs, the term being