General Remarks,
C O N T E N T S .
A P P E N D I X .
Number I. Government and Religion,
n. Stature and Appearance,
III. Habitations,
IV. Mode of Living,
V. Courtlhip and Marriage,
VI. Cuftoms and Manners,
VII. Superftition,
VIII. Difeafes, 1 -
IX. Property,
X. Difpofitions,
XI. Funeral Ceremonies,
XII. Language,
P O S T C S R I P T ,
I N T R O D U C T I O N .
A Voyage to N e w S o u t h W a l e s .
s e c t i o n 1.
Tranfports hired te carry Convibls to Botany Bay.— The Sirius and the Supply com-
mijfioned.— Preparations fo r failing.— Tonnage o f the Tranfports.— Numbers
' embarked.— Fleet fa ils.— Regulations on board the Tranfports.— Perfons left behind.—
Two Convifts punijhed on board the. Sirius.— The Hycena leaves the.
Fleet.— A rrival o f the Fleet at Tencrtffe.— Proceedings at that IJland.— Some
Particulars refpetting the Town of Santa Cruz.— An Excurjion made to Laguna.
— A ConviR efcapes from one of the Tranfports, but is retaken.— Proceedings.— ■
The Fleet leaves Teneriffe, and puts to Sea.
T h e Commifiioners of his Majefty’s Navy, near the end of the year 1786,
advertifed for a certain number of veffels to be taken up for the purpofe o f con-
veying.between feven and eight hundred male and female felons-to Botany Bay
in New South Wales, on the eaftern coaft of New Holland; whither it had
been determined by Government to tranfport them, after having fought in vain
upon the African coaft for a fituation pofleffing the requifites for the eftablifh-
nient o f a colony.
The following veffels were at length contracted for, and affembled in the
River, to fit, and take in ftores and provifions, v iz. the Alexander, Scarborough,
Charlotte, Lady Penrhyn, and Friendfhip, as tranfports; and the Fiih-
bourn, Golden Grove, and Borrowdale, as ftore-fhips. The Prince o f Wales
was afterwards added to the number o f tranfports, on a reprefentation being
made to the Treafury Board that fuch an addition was neceflary. The tranfports
were immediately prepared for the reception of the conviCfs, and the ftore-
fhips took on board provifions for two years, with tools, implements o f agriculture,
and fuch other articles as were confidered neceflary to a colonial efta-
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