^ Plate X. Fig. 1.
Philadelphia Museum, No.'403.'
My Collection.
BuFFOifIpmplained of the difl^ehlty^qf writing a^pstory of Bird-S,
'because h S already knew % h t hundred speciesSiS.Und. suppp^sed
that there might actuullfrexist .fifteen h a trtifeM ^& j^n , said he,
venturing a's thoughljtto the limit ox probabili^fektwo thousand!'
What then "Wbuld tmJS^em1|^wsm«Lt'at pfpedL when
neaAf*‘six thousadd^ Ippcfls 8 til,tn ow 5 . s9*4 fresh discoveries
are'daily augmenfe^^the n um b e ^
The difficulties. atteifding a g e n ia l wprk on this, subject are
not perhaps experienced: ip a n pqual degref/by'one who confines
himself to the histoiiy of* a, particular grc^ip, or of the species inha?
biting'a singl^id|s|p6t Neverilliiess, m a w o ^ like the pres^nfj;
which is not ihopograplif limbed, to one ge#is or> family/but
pmb ^ es within. its «Scope species belonging to all the different
tribe!, it is requisite, in order» to explain theit v a r i^ ^ relations
VOL. I I .— A