of '.VièiUoLi whose authority, it is?.1 could in th is, case (-h,e®o£,
little weight, as he had not seen the species, but like manjSothers-
had merely given} ûti a/name; his sole knowledge offrit- being
derived from the work pf^diAzarau We have* itchy yielded only
to i the decision of' Temminck, (who has lately introduced the-
young*into his Plancheé&olmëe^ti) bmJtHfefe-without much reluctatt|d||
especially'' as- th a t distinguished ornithologist hâtèî-tevidently not
beem a t tshe -trouble of comparing The ïwçr species. Other-wise, he
would certainly not have Omitted noticing# their affinities and
differential characters ; àih'ce; in the history^ef,-species closely
aliicff as- tb b s^two, the differential- characters are of more
importance and utility than^the ’most l’aboüred descriptions**^
This comparison we hav#t||rmully. instituted between our>American*,
specimens, and others front “Africa and Ja*va.$ftThep agreed
perfectly,“* especiallyftwith that from Java?,), in every,Hhe minutest
chara'cter,’ evdn ffeather ‘by feather, much better than birds of prey
.ofothe^kame species, andj from? the sfar&e- * coxmtSyyld'il. generally.
are even* more alike thân/different snebinrèns from the odd
coaSinent of the Black-Dinged itself,-;since,that species is said to
vary" considerably in theJbjjack markings, which extend’ m@ret dr
omthewdngs in differentindividuals.^wéverthelëk'ky a^onstant|
though trivial, diffetentihl fcharà'cter, >addM.'fttP'’-tjiek'diffierence, of
locality, has induced us-to follow Témmin'bksâ!ife®i%^ in which
w*hould» never have ventured to» take th e lead. This character,
'cpÉsj^ts in.the ta il being in Falco dispar constantly irregular, while
in F. te(S^Werw5,-sit-gs&evfenj to.explain it* moÿe clearly, thsds
phtft^tiijlp-iSe^her ; tiinrather The longest African, and more
thÉÜ? n a if ,an*-i^ch shorter than^the? next- inutile American speeiesu
This *Çs|ential character is much more conspictiOils in- Tenmainek*#
|p]aïe^than in burs, owing to,,the tail being spread. In, the Black-
wingea also, the lower wing-èoverts are de^titUjte pf the black
patch so? conspicuous in the American bird; ajfeniale from Java,