FJ1L & 0 D0 P AR .
- Plate XI. Kg. 1.
Falco famfTKMM. et Lmjg. PI. çol. 819, young Female. Nob. App! to Synopsis of
tN. W^mrctsjn Ann. Lyc. New-York, p. 4$p7 Mj
Mïlvus, (now Elanoides) (Alcmplemco, d'Azara^NoutffiDict* d’Mst.
. W !'X X , p. 556.
Falco melanopterus, NonÆfour- Ac. I’KfY, gf 28. I». Cat. birds WiSf^'Sî6, in Contr.
Macl. Lyc.i,fp. II. JÊKmfarupsis of N. îdfbiîrds, Sp.-16, in Arm. Ly,c.*N. T. •"
Le Faucon blanc, Sonnini’s w^<W6^ ni,:p®fe6, fÿ^SSaV-.
^MyCollectiôn. »
T his beautiful Hawk; #hMi t&e recentlÿpdiscoverea t#-’î|er «n
inhabitant MTÊforth America, is so'fetrikmgiy similar to ïilfe Black-
,winged H ^ k ’--(Falco wmianoptems*} M the old continent,-thai^we
have hitherto considered tb®|: a.^®ntical, contrary to the ôpmion
, * Falco melanopterus, Daud. Om. 2, 124. Lath.Ind. Suppl, p, VI, Sg.J6.
Falco sonninensis, Lath. Ind. Suppl, p. XII, Sp. 38.
Ehnu&jCmius, '^^gny, Ois. a’iEgyp. p. 98, pi. Il, L 2. Vieifi.Noûv. Diet. d’Hi&
- ' Nab VIII, p. 240. (now TsiànoÙai^'
Flanus melanopterm. Leach Zool. Mise. HI, p. 4, -pl. 122. VigorsTIesdr, i iiistral.
bMs.in^T^^ta. Soè. XV, p.-185. ; .
■ I ^ p lS ^ L eWmLit, Ois. d’Afr. I, p. 147,_pl. 36,-Male; 9% young|-Male.
Black-winged Falcon, Lath. Syn. Suppl. Il, p. 28, Sp. 23.
Sonnini’s^Falcon, Lath. Syn. Suppl. Il, p. 52, Sp* 59.
The inspectûnrbf original drawings, inîli collection that" Mr.• ihnjl&df 4he.British
Museum, wçs kind enough .td-uhow tfife lately in London, has ena^pPmé to -add to
these already, numerous synonyms’ Falco axillaris, Lath. Ind. Suppl. (Circus axillaris,
Vieiir. !)'from New-HoUand.
sppoev' /