ïi8#j however^ I aft «lÉpbk indication of it, but na-truc:ei©feit is
-.| , By admitting‘ tbisi toft)© asdislfect species' from'the Black-winged
Hawk, wè ;rej.éfet5 one ; mdïfe Ofr those ^supposed- instances, always
•paS-e, aiuh’daiiy diminishing lipfe more critical' observation*; lof :a
copmton h aM t^ 0« of %e^sa'Hhè- bird in .the warm psïrts o f both
steady and long protra^ed-eVertioa of-its powerful wings, would
have bétii requisitè to enable It-1©- pass' hh® vast* anS trackless sea
which lies between the western coast of Africa; thé natiVe. eounitry
©f, the Black-winged Hawk, and the .eÉstern^ shores »Óf South
Americ-a. YetweSe the 9peniesadep^a4)tys:adventuTous.jon.vgiy,
must'have been performed, jg p jj j ^ l è admitting several centres
óf, cr e a|iofi,l#e tóaonot believe that Nature/* who, notwithstanding
her luxuriant abundance, evidently accomplishes allthpr ends with
the greatest Economy of means, dias evcn placed, aboriginally, in
different parts of the globe, individuals óf thewsame species-; but
has always i give® to each the' power *of extending • itsrramge,“
according tö »volition, > in any direction? 'Where i# •&höidft' fed
climate, food, or -other eircumstattee^gtoat appropriate. •
ü T h e White-tailed Ha%k is one o f thwSeh^omateus 'speeaVs;
Which Connect the generally received divisions Of the great gemis
Itipartit^atêsJin the- form and hafbits óf the Kit®4
wh#e ,inlits other relations it approaches the true Falcons,-
and at the’ same time presents traits* peculiar to itself. ■ Savjgny!
khas therefore very properly considered its near rc la tif^ the 'Black-
winged;'as-the type o f'a peculiar group, which he.-elev$t$es to Abe
rank of a genus, bat which we for the present shall adopt as a
subgenus "Only. * Subsequent- observations have confirufed» ?éLe
* The word nature being taken in so many different acceptations, we think [OTOper
to stall, that with Ranzaiu, wé mean By A “die aggregate of all created Beings, and of
• the laWs imposed on them hy the Suprème Creator.” ’
Vaillant’s. optnioi^. that ihel Swaltew-tailed- Hawk. ()Fako.fur,catus\
is^cIoMy. related, Iiq⁢ and associated, with a fewWoth^ifeocentLy
dlkSpw^PCcUsspeCjEesyithey-h’av&ibeeptGO-iSsi'deEed asia,distinct group
undm^Suvigny’smiamet of, Planus. t .Viei’liote ad®pted^jife‘tgropp as
name; miEl'&noiMesi The Hawks of;jfehis;*'gr«uptaB^*r#adily.'distin,t,
guisheA fv©m*<talK others, b y t i e superior dtengtht.» of. tbej-SQepncL
primary? of their elongated-wings,1-, b y t-heiri sbiil rounded abuse;
&]iirv,erl 'from the base,' and notet®gthi®d,^th:e-ir h irsu te oesre,. thick;
shorot, and wholly^-reticulated itarsi,.,:tel£i :f&at-l|L.©RC,d^bC,f!^fie ^.tobs
entirety »sepavated;. and.-poWrerfuL nails. . < The- head ‘byflattsen^d
above) ithe/gape wide, andctbeemyosidarge, | d-eepi -sunk, and with
the .orbitsi'.gKeart;ly ,pE@ij!e:D.ting-',abQSie'.i The colours arealso, similar
in the; diffiprekfe species, heingy whiteaior? -paleAliplgiistfewhijte;
With- more oi^less- -©£i,bla.ck. -. ■. Thte;c@m)paratively«.nv'e.Bt. tailjxafi the
two allied species of-which we?*are treatihgi cmineHtlyrdistiiiguishes
them fromj/the others of the subgenus, which haves the tail
ingly forkedi. remar^bfealio,fe[r pjnotiteE^hara.cteriS’tiQl
that of having the nails,.rounded-beneath, andmot oamaliculajs&y.a
circums-tance that occurs^besides ,onby-fin bfeosjibgenus Pandion*
This character, which we formerly attributed -to: all the Elani,. and
which we-believe- we- fir st obser.ved*noteto, exist- in the*.fork-tailed
speoifeSs- has induced Mr. Vigors, the English .t©rmth@fogist,rtb
separate-thevlatteuias t ' t t genus-,,upder the name of Nauelems..:
ThedFemale White-tailed Hawk, is -sixteen and a half inches
I @ n | p a n d a half inches in extent;- The MHvis;
black, and* measures from« the* corners of the nmutbvjane-.inch and
a half, the siijes of the mouth; posterior portion of thenlower
mandible, and cere?; bright yellow-orange;, bristles on the »©ere
* In Pandion, howeyer, itjfcs the jnifft|le,,Uail that, is rounded, in, this species it^is
lateral apd posterior only-
VOU. i i .— F