appears of ebrnifho®gists
for this-extfà'ordlnaVy man, that whMe'they-have «lïhesitatmgîÿ
syhbnyfobuswithl^ thSS.® cM
specimens ü e s f | § | | | b y T ^
as;-P#Mï A^etfeap;* the
Fàlcd ulfgino'sus H former authors RâSs bedff* resfèeïeHr^robabîf as
Hfe Marsh-Hawk‘*)f
■fèhi^ entitled '
in jts youthful d® ilï -'A
rn g lis1! xvé4shall cdll Harrier, fheffemè ’ df Buzzard being ap|»$-
prÊitecbstf) the Buteofies. Though perfectly W€M?mafKtd*lhvtkfe
typidahspfeibs, s-uéh MfttMi'j fhfe gréup'’to %hMh où¥ bird -belongs
plL% ses ifrs é n s ibly
%bméfifevfeff of ftbfe'N orth American* sptecies- being iffterfli'ediate
between them. Whenever À grdups of Eælconâ shalbéclèVâted
WÈiïè rank 'of gênera, it will p e rh a ^ b ^ fo u n d éfcpe^êntitt^^liife
Qireùs and Bufeû, as they do not differ much morcM-om<é'ach‘btlïer
than’* u r ^ ^ ? f ^ # i® S « Hnwksfthose with long and-sMtedferdegs,
ànâ-tKose witlf^hOft ^tout leg S ^ s’tor-dnd Sparvim- ofbra-tbOFs, thé,
Mfed of-’cfèmaroation being quitê aâ* diflicult-to be dæa#n* $fc
T h e H arrie ts m n k ,
AhCh c d h ip re ssed b illf destitute o f a tooth o r sha rp prOeeâsybut
with t f strOiJg^rmarkedi;Mif®; theiï* sh o rt and bristly- è e re f their
long* slender, and* s e d tè la té d ta r s i; ‘'th e ir slender toes, 'of Which
th é .b u te r ar é conlïectëd à t buk©#fy.*.a membrane; theirmhilsi,sub-
equal, weak,*channelled beneath, much incurved, and*extremely
sha rp :a* v e ry rem a rk ab le eharaptertstié fe exhibi1æd iarth d r lorig
%inga/;subeqiial-'to the tall, which is large, and even, o t slightly
rounded a t. tip:' their first quill | s :very sh o rt, always »shorté* than
the fifth, a n d 1 A c th ird or fo u rth -is th e longeât. t-Their» 'slender
•body and elegant shape^ehiefly distinguish them from their allies,
the Buzzards, w They miay-be fuMher subdivided into thoepin
which, thedemale, at legist, q-s'*pos&q§iKed qf^that »ufionsj!facia), ring
of ,soaly..;Qn stiff. Ipathersus^-l-einarkahle ip, H|j|Opds, and those
entirely destitute ©fidt^?- 'Pne.^g^esj'ifiln^Jp .found in the -United
|§ |ifjt|, which belpngs,t%1 hj} fir^j^ccjrtOUj^jql c a ^ p t b# eb^niE^Sld
with any other, fhan that from wfoeh.-we have, thought,proper to
distinguish »it at the «•beginning this,-article. In this section, the
female^diffcrskqssentially framj^ekipaleVyJ^^opng^ being similar
to her intet^otjSr. "The latter ohamge4 wdpdcrf}il|^ as they advance
in age; to which circumstance is^qsving the 'wanton .muf|ip];ication
that has,bf.en ipadf/ijpfr the ,species. , I*n those .which» eqfnppse the
sS&cond section, tjie changes, are. -most* -exfraordinary>' since, while
the adult male is of a very uniform light colour, approaching to
white, the,vfefg$le. and y opng, aue^guyidaisk, and piupb»Sl^0t'fodi and
banded^: th ey . are also, muph more^aonsplcuou^y^dislfoguighed
by the rigid fapial ring.
i^i^ihoiei birds are bold, and^^mewha^-d(a4t y ^ s h c d ^ fe r, their
agility,. ,e§fw&Gially1Siwhen.^compared Buzzards, and .ip
gracefulnesstof. flight they arp hardly,^^fejacpf to the itrpe Eafcons.
^ b e y :do not chase .well ,qn the wing, and fly usually at nqfgfpat
height, making frequent circnitoeS#weeps;,irarMy flapping,- their
wings, .and strike their prey,up0n:fb^,grouud| food consists
of mice,; and A® young o£k .other quadrupeds, reptile^,«fishes^young
birds, iCspeoiaHyiofoApse, that bpld»®n the gifound; or. even* adult
^ a te r birds.,; seizing them by;§urpriise»!»f*ixcl d° uot^disdaiaiinseet#;
for which habits thepvUiej ranked am'opg the,, ignoble birds of
prey. Unlike^posti0th;er lar,gevbwdk'®f their familyfshey quarter
their victimsf prevfougly .-to s,wallowing them, an ,operation w h k b
they ialways peaform op the . ■ground,
are their favourite haupts*,^ being generally^bS;erv^d^sai!ing::IoW
along Ae,^rfacey|^®i in the ncighhourhop^ of Waters, niigratihg
when they are frozen. They build ip marshy places, among- high