bu£ riot Laving ‘stated H any particulars ,%bont the habitsj,<ofi'the
sp b c i^ s,'» ^ shalL; subjpili th e ^ tf le ^ tb a t^ is Jknwrii m g #e®^
Though long ■®<Slr$dttfededt.to be an .iohabitantj pf^]Wui^aah>'.
Whenee-ut was first.jfeeeiyed-in Europe, igpcent'ob^er^ations^.^nd
the. bunion of Wils<yh,‘.had rendered 'this doubtful,*an$wUS
believed to • btei|al,e|gptb,fei an..’Arctic bird, Iv&tikf Jq- the._iya|iin
climate of the SofithCrn states, and hardly cvpi>uppearing »eyed,
ih' tfie more. temperate^' Its ^epgnt disecuyety^ib ^Me-xico^s «
therefore - a.very gpt,eres,t]ng. and no less "remarkable ^feyt*,., an’d
we mayfipfely , co&elude • that this bird migrates* eSdffensiyfejty
according* to seaJ^^ending,. the summer in the north? or in.
|^ e mountains,untt^eeding,,there; and in winter retiring southward,
or }hfscending into the plains; being howeverapay ipp meaife,
numerous in any known district, or^at any. season, thd^gh^peBha|s
moi^ frequent-ton the borders'•of Lake; Ontario. J.ts,ir„favo^r^
abode i s j argef.forests. w h ^ e ;4fraffects the ..densest, and moj^
glao.my^etr^ats.' T h e . nfesvt is placed among tl^ i thick foliage
of> free's, and is -constructed of twigs outside, and lined with fine
grasses^within |||h e '.female lays fouftor fivjes| white i^ggs, spotted
with^trwn... This may*«also be catted >an.“ Evening G^Qsboakjs?
for it'also-'slftgs during’the solemn stillness, of night, uttering a
clear! mellow, add harmonious note.
Wcbuvh,placedf.this species in our subgenusJgoccofAmMS^rs^it
is -prbbdblyjbfecauseihe laboured under the misto^eythat
Grosbeaks remoyedrtfrom Loxia had beep placed ts\ Py$rhulpiJoy
(Eemmmck,.thatMr. Sabine^^sriffilde itia Bull^noh: an^ in truth
the bill very much resembles/those of th a t. /genus;-? s o th at »the
species is intermediate« between st|j,e-t^wo. Mr. Swainson»places
i|jjj together; »pith the«*Blub o ^rhsbeat|£;, Ftap snlla (CoceoihrtBifytQ^
coeruleii, in a new genus ybichthe calls Guiraca, but without a t .set
characterizing it. j These; species .»have, i t . Is true, a bill somewhat
different from that, of the. typical; G^ecsthvauMps, (ap*ip|j:y b ^ s e ^
qy*comp.g^ing' this with.fjte Evening„Gros.bfea1aV helpcp much haft
jt^iefe’ Sjid turgid, and Mgfier th an broarfe th iitupper mandible
being;larger'than, the lqjjpr, and^cuyering its^^'r'gins entirely,
.ppmpre^ed on tb^tsiSes^makmg.vtheJ^dgejyeryi, distinct, (not
rounded ^a»p#e) and’ (p&yed^f^djn^the ihas^^ut, a t , tip . e|pecialLyi:
the margins* ofi«,hiqifeh are angular. »hTbaj^ppreseiitation tnfc the
.bill.in Wil§op’sApl,ate,Qf the male is ipemarkahly iexAcy. jy