Wings deep blackish chesnut, crossed by two white lines; primaries
on the inside at tip margined with white. Tail forked, brownish
black, all the feathers margined with rusty,<theitwo .outer with a
white cuneiform spoÊat tip. '^j
The dress of thé female in autumn and winter is as follows:
head, and neckggfojove, shoulders and back, grayish fusty, with
blackish spots,! the rusty^predominating on the neck add rump ;
the superciliar line wldtishJ rtisty, »uniting with a white* streak,
from the angle of1 the bill :, throat white each side, with a brownish
line; upper part, of the breast grayish,* spotted with black’; inferior
parts white; the flanks with longitudinal blackish marks.
The .young of both sexes, during th e first year," are^'of a
yellowish brown above3 tiafged^ with grayish, streaked and spotted
with blackish, the. shafts of the feathers being óf th at^o lö u r;
the cheeks and auriculars are brownish, the latter mixed with
black, a small blackish spot, that spreads as tlÊlbird ad v an c e s^
age, is already visible tfear the opening of th^fe&irs; aboTfe i nc
.eye is a broad streak of pale brownish; the th ijg t is yellowish
white, glightly streaked with brown, and with a biSk ish lme each'
side coming from the corner ..of thé -lower mandible-';""ihe lowers
portion; of>‘the neck and breast is of a dingy, reddish wtóte,
more intense, and thickly spotted with blackish ^ ow n ^ h ^ th e
breast and flanks jwftiè belly and vent are almost ;p&re whitish.
The wing-covert& and secondaries afe blackish brown', margined
with darl? rustj|pand tipped with white: the primaries are dusky
brown, paler at tlie edge. Tfeè^tail-featlsers^^tóuskyj &nd also
tnai^nèdisvith^deej» rtffty.^tljie^ outer b e a rila jaP reddish •white
lin^p l v Iqpgijtuainal, and qdrrow, on the next,
♦ h e bill is e n ^ fP ^ o |. a dirty y ellowisjj b row jö ilé feet are dusky
brown: the hind nafly'though still longer than its tie , is much
shorter, and not quite so stra ig h
The figures represent an old male, dn€‘ a yqjfng femalq.