Ring-mii WxLi. (Ang.) p. 72. Aia. HI,-PI. 8.. HayBs-, Airrfs? JP1. 8. I2evin,
JSrnfcj I, PI. I£,*FemaleP In, ..fL •% fig* 4, tie ^ .
| Lath. Syn. L p. sa^iSp^fS^ In. Suppl, &j
White-nimped, Bay Lath.. Syn.fr r. B. yt^uiig..*''
Hudson’s Bay Ring-tail, Jd-m^Syn. I, p. 9^, Sp. p6, y^ungi'.
White Lanrier, Lath. Syn. I, p. &7, Sp. 78', adult Male.
Gray Falcon, Penn. Brit: 2 3 S $ \ Sp- 49.' Lbwin, Brit. Birdsfl, Pi. 1;5.? Latb..Sj/b. I,
p. 82, Sp. 67y adolescent Male;
NejtVrYork Falcon, Penn, Ard.Zool. II, p. .209,-adolescent Male. '
Ranivorous Falcon, Lath: Syn. Sw/ipl, Female Mid young; WMbewedig&tjffiewjjfo-TB.
Syn. Suppl p. 30, Sp. 101, adult Male, South AiHErics^K1". ■ ,
Cayenne R&ng-taM, Lath. Stojn. I, p. 91, Sps 76,- Var.; A^yoiBig. '
FalcO glaucus, tlie shd¥p-vnngedhm»h, of a pale, i^b ln h 'CQlattr, %eMp,.of the
' [Stack, Bajitr. Trav. p. ’290,' adult Male. ■ ;
Falco subcceruleus, the shanpgiyinged hawk,- of a dark. or. .dusky 'piye:eoliq.ur,~ B a r t .r .
Trav.p. 290, adolescent Male.
Fplco ramvoms, the Mmrsp-hawk, S i A Tran. p. S90, toimg.
Philadelphia Museum.
My Collection.
-As will Be pgfcli^ea1 Upon asiight- fnspeciiori" o f ottf 16ri| a n d '
S f-sfnonyms, tftis welldcnoWn s-peeies is f®uh<l .in-
almds^w^y*part oTte^|Iot)e; andfotit ofoy'-ddgs dt&eem to:*ba%e
been' cdRsideVed e^cry whdlro’- distinct^ "hut neafly • e^bry different
appeatatnce which it’ assumes during its prpgfe&s 'through tlfo
various and extraordinary change! ttiat its $ pluniagd M^er’goes
acco'rding to se t and agO, has in ,eaeli country given risfe. to ;a
nominal species/' At the same time however that- names were thus
iticonsiderate’ly multifoieM for -^ne birdy two, really distifiot;; wehe
always confounded together. Analogous iA tfiefr ichafiges, similar
in form and plumage, it Was res^fveS for tbe a'eufo^'ab'(l''ingenioius
Montague, to point put thd^ifferenQe,-and d^afiltih*hp;SwO species
by permanent* characters/ The ■ijSJw'Iojte jj '*rW,’^i^ ^ !^ .W i1| . ^
dneraceus, and |a s t to oW i by. th e |E n g lish .fl^ p e $$>§ ,> Ashtcofoured
Hwtier: ' ‘figured’* and aefeumHsely d'es.(»ibed in all its states
of plumage b^V-iCil’lo t ,1 in fjlis iFraH/ene^ds. Oiie’aux, • where h e h a s
dedicated it to AsShscoverer; -calling if &ifcusl'Mj?dtagui$ thus folly
apologising for having in^his of tjhe ^New Dictionary
ofcMatural History,* declared ^f-afh^pfhg^ How
tat* however,Ht may^be edppid.es?eda* a contpliBieints to, .change the
name given Pso' a* 's^oTCS' by^ts'hlis o%er#r> in- Oadtefotto ■ apply tevefe
his;»ownita:’it,'w e are a^ ^Io^^ iM nfa g in e. .
The principal1 distinctfoe-ycharacters of -foe .two^ speeds; are to
bgifoaind in. the relati^e.,ljgin g ^ >of p hA v l^P i.an^j.t^ih-'aa^
•proportional lengths *of the q|pmatiesj|jj I n ,^ ^ A^hfe^^rpdi'Har:-
rier,' thte*®ix#i ^iniaryfAAs.]®oiister<-:than^*.t^#0it^
fonger th an fifth, aii’d' the thpd'i^-the-'ilOngest $ the-wings
'when'elos®d reach ttf the tip,‘of the fa il.|® ^ 'i? ^H eh '-HW ie r ,;fhe
firs* primary is,shorter than the sixth, the p ep fid , s i^ e ip ^ lP p the
fifth, '1 and the th ird .equal t o the.:5fourth, thy l^ngestyrthet-Wings
d iised i not reaching b y mp£e than ^wo daehes, ,M *fhej tipuof the
A il, iwhiclMs. a.lso‘Jbut tslightly^wa'ded' in the latter,- while in thp
AstijcnloHred it isv&Bneiform.'nOther .minor,differgpcei, ajqe,h^|des
obse iMb le in.the;|cespe0itW4 i^-OS and ,stiaj.ei^(af bothaibutifts i|^p;e
w®;!hateifodieatedj ar^sthe ^nj^^pn^» that ferplangntliy ^jdst, nnd
rnayobe found at. all times* w e ijsh a ll4not»Mw^lh.oni1.tthe<.>other§.
e^eciaHplicSiAIontogue’lf Siiej^^ apg^^s
We tliinlc proper to-observe. hpp^^r,»t%^t the ^ a p £ I^lgo
and that th e ta il7feathe,i^, punew]ait%in .thejfo||:p^a^e,in^g,fg^ip^
spotted benpaihj/^^E'bil femafo
. finrregprm fliijig 8e.x«&ofi;the other14h1Qngh tfae jmales fo.bpt^Jaf1&.-neaRl'y
ofiequabfizejj.and the. ^.qllar that^jMsroundjS, is .strongly
marked jin ^w)p®eas bftt; •.