.SêwùSuk. tyjlu&é&a/:.
Sp,y,//«, £&&„„,*W.
|p? la te XV^Fig.EjÿS
Fringilla vespertina, Coofeiî, m Ann. •Lyèm 0B.t ÇM. Bimy
^ J 8 8 . in^ôntr.Macl. Lyc., Phila. I ,^ W S k v t^ n . B¥fls'Àl[.’&. S w s g
*M 113.^ip. Suppl.finZool. Journ."Z&îrfon^.IV/p. d.
| C abi^ o/ ihe Ly'eeum o/Wflt.1 Hist. of£-'JVew-York:
Mr. Leàdbeater’s Collecïfflmn London.
* birds aonl'd; {forai’ à moie fo the*
fajina m aj^^eôuiiMyithæn th^really fine GroTB^k.-^ealutiful
UjrïtpÏÏïïaagie, p^^iar i^ i^ J habits, important to s y s^ ^ tic a j
"Writers, it cmh^fes ^dvantageS'*of|j||'ery kind. It n iS nairied.
ânMfâret descrinjHËby Mr. ÇoOpef, aM-, little- kas^since ?bgen-
to±jfee,'addçcfijto the information he has
^jllected and g^hïj&'im the journal afto-ve
aPK^Fs t0 üav^mni^^feiisive grange' in*the northefen. knA north-
TCferteî;n^ parts^bfitfiis^coiMien^being^ met wi% firtllRhe: §xt$&nilS:
■É$ Üi^foehigan tdlthe Bfccky Môuntaâns* withlfij tfie
Satoie pa1^ el|. It ié^^mAon. about the b e a ^ f Lake Uperior,
iat Fo©<j| d u jn p l| and n|ar t#e ^hæbasca îiake. m*l few were
QbsergPr by^ Mr. ^fiooKraft>v èiuprig the |§ r s^ fe ek ; ©fil^pril,
1823, about Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan^Ferritor^pwhere they
bu^a sh « t tiinWkand®bave 'fii^Aippeàred sine& and
sby; Major Delafield ifi£the plinth oL, Aigust of.the sanie ^ a r ,*
™ar ®fc +§kvanïiah rlyer, 'Wrt||wesUrom' ülàke
Æïpjïeàr t© relire during the day to tnPdee^^Kanjns oi^hà'glo^js*