4 m m THE SEC'6n ©‘ a ’n d - t h ir d v o l u m e s .
T he author’s' original in ten tio i^ a s announced ki thfe .p'reface-to
the first voluble r f tfraswonk, w a ^ to ’h a v e devoted.the- second
exclusively; to w% r 'b ird s, reseE\nng<»for the third t]je few, unpub- ‘
M'shed land hird^%hi®|stti@fet that time possessed. 'Having singe'
hb-wever*,$hy;'extgncMiig ffis res'earchesrjjgp trafc mos$ opposite*, and
bemdte parts of the yh d g a , fortunately' tS^Beedea in procuring7 a
smfieiemt hnmber o© lam d b ii^ sr to m§jM upntriblume, o r ’perhaps
Wo,' by- th em s^ e s y 5he',,has' eh an g eo^ h lg io rd in a l plan for cw f
which is more sy^fematical/ and^wB®ffi'«i09^^'er f a b l e s him, to
complete the s^O ^M pPW ’-c f r 1* - fctafcsting > order. *<3f
Passeres. - A ll ttl^-rCTaaiping land birds o f t?he$TJfflLted §tafes will
then bei €he vhireedarge^UltiSEes, tSe- most intereatingmf 'Wltteh,
th e Condor,.ds^alKeudy^tlrawn; tbe ^ h ix * e in e r ^ * fh e l a t e s t ^Owl
known;: and the Gaiifibrniatf QimiK*
* Two of the Vultures are figurfed by TkimmmcSdn tpe Planches CmarUes; Cathdrtes
californianus, PI. and Cathartes gtypnw, Vl. 'TSsfthejnale, and PI. 408, the young
female. The lattdWSpeoie^:jMl alsp ’been previo'usly figw^T)y Huhihilldi, jP&. de'Zool'.
The third, Vatfy/zrtes papa, was long smce figured by Buffon, PI. Enl. 438; and_also*hy
'VieiUot, Gal. des Qis. PI. 3, .under the n^rne^f Gypagus papa.
Strix cinerSa Ifei, ngrer been represented, and was ranked by usMmong those specie»,
which from troir not having for a long period come Uncter th#J}bsWvation of naturalists,
*we considered TOsdlefe. . Wyve bdm recently asceite^nea tnat it inhabits near.LSke
Superior: and intfnd that‘it’sljfdl»occuJ^i plate i i a future veduipe; along with sevdial
Hpwks, W®5h th^^h-rdfjfbseS&te^SBgr Wilson, .We jXink it nedSsssfejpo figure in various
states' of jffimnage in order to clegr up th^ntri&y4of <fehen; history.
H Perdix calif arnica has been figured bv Lapeyjouse, Shaw, and others. *
B *