of.iliie nnwermis handswhich.desceridah winter- tft comparatively
wdipr law^Ses, show.theifisd&es almost eyery year .in the-fcigher,
^s.e^tl'9d1.^artts<;lof \M a in e j^ |e h ig a n , and', ^e',^.prth-Wpsjterp
territory.* . Eye^largbr. flbfKs are., .known not unfrequently ,tp*
CTtw i j l t.ftr.TCitnr^Ipf.iAhe1 G n io n : where, contrary to’ what is
gpn pt-a 11 y, fliipp p s -are Ojbsfer.y,^4 P ^alight on p^well
as on ‘the . grpnnd,^£ty^h'standmg t^eiggpng^and straight hind
nail. ^ |W e . think j’it^'highTy- probable that spnje individuals,
especially in their, youth, Visit in cold* winters'-the mohntaih'ous
jiistri$ s,o f the Middle J ta jg i; as th eg to e well known in Eurdpp
tp „wander nr strayJo the. ^ p r e tenatiefate-nlimates. of ^ccmam.,
Er-apee,England, and,especially Switzerland; ..in all,which.xaun-
trjLe,s,,hpw^yjer,fthe .old binds aEEejaevqnfsqe®& It is not. extraordinary
that they •shcmld.nevejp hhve ^l^tohse rv d ififf the Atlantiestate&,
as.'theyiire no where found in maritime "ephntrifes.
.tjjNvO figure. of t.he adult* pi'afe in.^ej^eet fplpmage, h a s^M b rl
now, we Relieve, beenjgiven; and iigirepresle n ^ ti9nva t ,allii^;.jtp>be
me,t with in^tfiejmorje^genprglly,,accessible books, or .collections of
plates. Mr.pSfpIfias lately published, a 4 gure’*ohthefcydtfng’inthb
‘LinneSn Transactions^ jahd it !w iil^ |o , wVpresunfe, appear’in his
splendid work, which yiejjhls -to none =j|ut.Naumanp’a, WoIf’s’? and
WilspnfS, in point of SLCcpraey and char^cteiji T^haJj^cogded by
hin^p,pears to. h e ^ e first instance lpf.,an individual having been,
found in Britain.. ..{The- spe4|es^is. common, in, the hilly, das|r^cts oP
.easterja .Europe, but is,, chieflj^bnfined within the Polar cj^ le,
* ^ u g h jfeuiid abundantly in all the northern mountainous districts
of Europe and. .Asia, >narticularlyt., Sih ^ ia and , Lapland,4 f It is
spjmetimes known» to .dc&cen/d. in autumn and winter, and, though
very rarely, 'in* spring,! either singlyi a n d . astray, or ■intdmmons^
bl»@®d$y«ii|p, tlm»^ndsth /and. middlj&' ,@f .Gtermaily, , G re at numbers
WOre seerftin the, ipighhouEhdod' oLPrankfert pn th#Maih‘, iii the
middle. pf iJovemhfij^?||2k. • Jn France .they are restricted £0 the
loftiest and most inut&'feksihle? mountains-, whferë they aÉ^ erÿ ra rë;
so* muchi'so,r£hat in those»ofitii^V#^,*^cBàrdinmniPRei with ra
sihglè'specilhen. after six years’ r.e^hchesf*Jdh'dmgh* mère frèquènt
in thè mountains ef Dauphiné: T n ^ ^ ire iêOmmon during summer
in Arctic America; <.anèi(are',foundV:âfcH>iidë'è'iifs;t B'âÿ», 'ih^winrter
n4^pearingibcfore*]Stevembefcèd:èar the» SeverniVrivbrahey haunt
the, cedfer-trces? upon whbse«berHMJWe^^bd'i exclusively. *Phe^e
hi^^*li%»tofl s ^ b floekspand* aT.e.:ofh^'Ss^ei,àl*,aJdirspositidh, that
wkem séparMed ’from« üWéir owntspëêteipSr wkendh’ismalL parties,
ifoeyjailwéys rjbin»cô'mpany jwith' the dOmmômLark ofrEurope; or
invAmeribai, withesome nofi îthfe'^diÏÏeE’ëntv Sn,owsbirds; |FVfi$y>’feëd
dhiedy»<©ni seeds, ’especially bfvthe dwarf tViltew® growing-in«frozen
and mcçmtatfnouiâiy@tiifi6rife’s,«^iit OBcaVidnall'y*also.onW^es;'gras9?
and" iAsë$t§l$ They breed ôresmair tello(|fes, intbpen* mar&hiy fields/;
the;nès6û| lôosdÿSbonà)imctèd‘,v»Wi-.iSossiahd grasse^Minêd.vsfith‘a .
fWy feathers : « The-fetnale Iky jfediveiwr six oblong eggs, yellowish
mstyi;5 somewhat »©ioudedifWith'i hrown. The LapKind Longspun'
like theiLark»synever-,singsïbnwnsp'endeÛ aloft in the/ dir, at which
time it utters’ aiffew 'agreeable hhd|m»el'bdibusfti©tes\■ <
■’»^Asrmay he.sbhn by the»synonym sma th e hfeâëhbfôtlli^trtielb’
this, bird'has been cbàdemned<hy?ïioniei^ators to fluctuate bhtwegn
different i genera. ;But he.t,waen*Fringiilcri and Èrûbâriza'ii ism o t
^difficult't© decide, as-<;it-;.pos§es'sës*' all th#:ch^i^dl'éfs oP -Bhrç latter-
in ad eminentdtl'ê’ghee,v/evèn’ ïnore? sb^than its m e a r; relative<■ thé'
Shw-Buntmg^whieh'has^tîevîer J^een Misplaofed'^fehdsteveii the
palatine knob o&’Eïïibemzu, and muc'h,jifibme ‘distdnétly markednhan
in th e Snow-BuMiug; (jÊÊfreriza nivalis). r >Itih a s ,“been'Jtera^^^)u.&fy,'
placed in tFringillaf m e r ^ ^O h accduîtt'b f ;its biH*bteing»Sbht'ewhat
voider and iridié èôdié.
'/®itey'er h a s lhtelÿtprdposê'd»* ‘th e ,tWo sgust‘tmênfioîi'ëd ^riè'a¥ly
allféd'» gpécfes, a new gbfius Mhdfep the ^KmêJrBlectrëphaûes, ‘ (corr"teh
a r^ liSed-)^ t lf i^ v e hâve