««fell as those of of the tail-feathers, being black. AU «thé 'lower
p a rts’arevéfi' atï Airty pale; ^yellowish g ra p more ialense^i'^n. th é
belfy, and- paler i^fc thé tbröa%^^Meb' :is faintly streaked -with
ohaeFeous, dwing to’ thé basé^óf^the. plunïage appearing fe#tt
ynjiernéath, it%i|fethers having blaok,-ish/bristfy sloffes,'. seme üf
,them» without wêHs. ? {, Fr om-the eheéks^.an4v sijwa of #ïe neck^the
blne.^oktpap-psfèJès down along the breasj;, and förtósv a pitaewbat
obscure collar; && •«nde&jwing,• and u n d e r tail-co v e r t s aife
strhïigly tinged .with bhig, which, colour is*alsb slightly* apparent
on the femorals; the i^prios» ?sijriaGe oï<-the .wings and tail is
dark *®ilveiyi ; gr#y; the the plumage* is '* planïbeojilil ash;
blackish omtbe‘4hend; the wings are four and* a half dnsbfes lóngjf-
Wd.reach*,- when i^aied, bardly. beyond* the?1 coverts üf tail,
which’ds fiye and a half inches long, .extending ‘bey.ond .the wings
th re e a n d d? h a lf;. the spipfoué f e a A e r extremélZphort; thé
first primary, (gften mistaken # r th e-s^ond|||sk as short as th e
secondaries; the five succeeding are sqbequalv ;thc third and
fliarth* being ratÊer t^e longest. ~ The o ta ^ is sS cewhat wfedge-
shaped, the ishter feather being h a lf »an incb;shottCTAha'h^he,fïéïh
and. one inch and a half shorter than the :iniddlè Wie, Thé,
tarsus is an inch and a quarter long, and brack, as wé|l as the
tdbs and nailsV.
The female perfectly 'similar to the male,, being b u t a trifle
less in, size, and. quite as brilliant in plumage. •
; fTwo. years sifiee it fell to dor lots ‘to -^eso|i!be,-»jaftd‘ apply the
name ofUltram arin e Jay, (Garfulus ulttaradnnui) ‘to’ a species
foünd -in Mexïto,¥ciesély ^esexrfbling - this, and to- which Mri
Swainsoi^in his Synopsis of Mexican Birds, has lately given- the
mameof Garf ulus' sordidus, his specimen being prébabl'y- a* ynmig
oiie! M The principal distinctive. * char £tcte£s. may b e,- found: in- its
larger dimensions, but especially in the shape of its' tail, WhSéh^s
perfectly even, and not in the least^uneiform, as it geAéraijly i?
iffi^the Jdjfs.i' The back, though it is also s^hewhat intermixed
nath^dwskyl is^muóh .mqj*e -bikieb.than • ih^OTiï^spèeiès, %.nd indeed
the *w<ho|e a|niyp,0$|ouB- ife^so%ewhabl A.©re. .brilliant an d ’silky ;
the^Blpisb cc^pr /is ,wanting, «and? tKê under wipg^l^uft especially
thé2*under t^ ^ o y e r t^ .aréimdfeMess^ tinged with blue. -Pie
w%gs, mprepvet, are proportionally laRger.