JC w uM toJK Jtichterdel et/UQv.
C 0 1UM B A I IV IA , Tenons.
■mid to be common in Gloucester and Monmouth. Sir W.
Mr. Tracy marks it as breeding in Pembrokeshire. The Re
in Denbighshire; and there are probably several other loca
Brockhoics tells me there is a colony at Beeston Castle,
frequenting the high banks o f the Mersey during the bre
that the Rock-Dove breeds at Whitbarrow S c a r; and Mr. J
in Cumbe
“ The Rock-Dove i# nuns
and abound» in the Outer 1
coast o f Scotland, breeds c
Down C u d e , .Stirling. -u »
east coast o f Kughlfid, dw I
inland eliife in Derby. York,
Mr. Tri»*i*awi * account of this $|
recent writer*», ■» seen by him in
passage, s r o it serves to show how
were probably first taken, tamed, •
extracts fro«» the writings of St *
its British home.
The myriad* of R o c k - IW * in
even the clouds o f domestic Ptgeoo»
i Orkney, and in Shetland, and, though
Caithness, Elgin, Banff, and in a few lot
Man- on the Bass Rock, and at Fast Ca
iyjx-rU ->siVy at Fiamborough ; it also bn*
itatdbed, Shropshire, and Somerset/’
'iv..- ->mi its ally or variety, as the case t
'¡destine, is so interesting that I cam«
;5viv numerous these birds are in that p
? brought under tlsc influence o f man
iir and Macgiliivray on the Columhtt *i
ta&tine, says Mr. Tristram, “ are
Few countries are so admirably