kindly presented to m e ; of these a fine male and a female (shot at Lahore), from the collection o f C. H. T.
Marshall, Esq., present such a marked difference, particularly in the colouring of the throat, that I have
considered it desirable to describe them, and also another specimen differing from both, from the collection
of Mr. Jerdon.
The male has all the upper surface of the body and the tail clear brown; the outer margins of the
Secondaries slightly tinged with light reddish-brown; axillaries rich orange-brown; throat and chest black,
each feather slightly margined with light g rey ; centre o f the abdomen dull white with dashes o f brown on
the flanks and under tail-coverts; bill black a t the tip, a t the base white, but here it has evidently been
The female is similar to the male; the throat as well as the centre of the abdomen dull white with
strong dashes of white down the sides of the neck, and a conspicuous pectoral band of similar blotches
across the chest; the flanks marked in like manner with brown; over the eye a bufly white supercilium.
Mr. Jerdon’s specimen has the centre of the throat and the abdomen dull white, with distinct spots or
guttated markings across the ch e st; on the sides of the body these markings assume the form o f striae.
This specimen, besides having a shorter tail, is considerably smaller than the others, so much so as
almost to lead to the inference o f its being a distinct bird.
The figures are of the size o f life.