Castle Martyr ..
Eastnor Castle ..
Bloxholme Hall
Higlmam Court
j Kew
. Cheshire
. Devonshire
. j Herefordshire ..
. I Lincolnshire
. Cheshire
. j Westmoreland ..
. | Gloucestershire..
. ; Lancashire
Enfield Chase
Goodwood Park ...
Windsor Castle
Welbeck Abbey ...
Lambton Castle ...
Wellington College
Like most other Conifers, this tree suffers from wind. The tree at Ashfield, above noted, extends on the
east side, where it is sheltered from cutting winds, 20 feet from the trunk over the spread of its branches ;
and on the west side, where it experiences the cutting effects of heavy gales, it only extends 10 feet. The
slow growth of the trees at Wellington College, and at Harewood, in Yorkshire, is probably attributable to
this cause.
At Eastnor Castle, Herefordshire, there are some fine young trees, of the variety called Cedrus
A tlantica argentea; and there can be no doubt as to their being genuine descendants of the African
species; for they were raised from cones gathered by Lord Somers himself in Temet el Haad, Mount
Atlas, and planted in the year 1845. The height of the tallest in December i860 was i8| feet; in
December 1861, 21 feet; in December 1862, 23 feet; and in December 1866, 31 feet; shewing almost
as great a rapidity of growth as the Deodar.
Commercial Statistics.—In 1850 the price of i-year seedlings was 2s. 6d., and 2-year 4s. each; while
well-grown plants, from 12 to 18 inches, sold for 7s. 6d. each. In i860, plants of 18 inches sold for 2s.
each; 3 feet, 5s. ; 4 to 6 feet, 7s. 6d. to 10s. 6d.; and from 8 to 10 feet, 21s. each. In 1867 the price of
2-year seedlings is 30s. per 100; plants from 9 to 12 inches, 50s. per 100; from 12 to 18 inches, is. to
2s. 6d. each; 2 to 4 feet, 2s. 6d. to 5s. each; and 4 to 6 feet, 7s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. each. In i860 the price
of a single cone was is.; in 1867 the price is 2s. per dozen; while clean seed sells for 2s. per ounce.