2961 â , 2962 ?.
SALIX cuspidata.
Pointed-leaved Willov).
D IOE CIA Diandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Cal. a scale of an imbricated catkin,
single-flowered. Cor. none. Nect. a gland
or glands at the base of the stamens. St am.
1-5 (or more). Female, Cal. and Nect. as in
male. Cor. none. Caps, of 1 cell and 2 valves.
Seeds tufted.
Spec. Char. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, long-pointed,
densely serrulate. Stipules oblique, conspicuous.
Catkins coming forth with the leaves, on leafy
stalks. Calyx-scales pale throughout, hairy,
entire, deciduous. Stamens mostly four. Capsules
ovate-attenuate, on stalks 3 or 4 times as
long as the nectary.
Syn. Salix cuspidata. C. F. Schultz, Fl. Starg. Suppl.
47. Koch, Sal. Comm. 14 ; Synops. ed. 2. 740.
Wood’s Tourist’s FI. 336. Bah. Man. ed. 5. 298.
Hook, and Am. Brit. FI. ed. 8. 400.
S. Meyeriana. Willd. “ Berl. Baumz. ed. 2. 427
Fl. Berol. Enum. Suppl. 65 (name only). Reich.
FI. Excurs. 172; Icon. Germ, et Helv. v. 11. 28.
t. 611. Loudon, Arhor. 1504./. 1300.
R e c o r d e d as a native of Pomerania and of some parts
of North Germany. First observed, apparently wild, in Britain,
by the Rev. W. A. Leighton, at Hanwood, near Shrews