RUBUS Leesii.
Lees's Raspberry.
ICOSANDIilA Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-parted, concave or flattish.
Petals 5. Stamens numerous. Fruit superior,
of several 1-seeded Juicy drupes, placed upon a
protuberant spongy receptacle. Seed pendulous.
Spec. Char. Stem round, suberect; prickles setaceous,
straight. Leaves 3-nate; leaflets all
roundish ovate, almost sessile, the lateral overlapping
the terminal leaflet. Flowering stem and
peduncles with long slender prickles ; flowers
racemose, with cordate bracts.
Syn. Rubus Leesii. Bab. Man. Brit. Bot. ed. 3. 92.
Steele, Handb. Field Bot. 60. Syme, E. Bot. ed. 3.
v. 3. pi. ccccxliii.
R. Idseus, var. c. fragarise-similis. Lees in Lond.
Cat. of Brit. Plants (name only).
R. Idseus, y. Leesii. Bab. Syn. Brit. Rub. p. 6.
Bell, Salt, in Hook. 8f Am. Br. FI. ed. 7. 123.
S t e m rarely exceeding two feet in height, round, soft, and
tomentose, generally with but a few long and weak purple
prickles, though sometimes these are numerous. It is always
upright, but weak and nodding at the summit. Stipules
linear, downy, fringed with long hairs. Petioles downy, with
very few straight prickles. Leaves ternate, the leaflets all
roundish ovate, lateral ones sessile, overlapping the upper
one, which is very shortly stalked, all coarsely serrate, tomentose,
and very white, with pale green prominent ribs beneath.