LEPIGONUM rupicola.
Rock Sandwort.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-parted. Petals 5, entire, about
equalling the calyx. Stamens 10 or fewer. Styles
3. Capsules 3-valved, dehiscent to the base.
Seeds numerous, often winged.
Spec. Char. Root perennial. Leaves fleshy, mucro-
nate. Stipules short, triangular-ovate, suddenly
pointed, usually entire. Panicle nearly leafless,
peduncles 2—3 times as long as the capsule,
which slightly exceeds the calyx. Seeds compressed,
black, rough, obovate-pyriform, without
a scarious margin.
Syn. Lepigonum rupestre. Kindb. Symb. Lepig. 8 ;
Monogr. Lepig. in Nov. Act. Soc. Upsal. ser. 3.
v. 4. 29. Bab. Man. Br. Bot. ed. 5. 127. More,
in Report of Thirsk Nat. Hist. Soc. 1861, 9 (not
of Cambessedes).
Spergularia rupestris. Syme, E,. Bot. ed. 3. v. 2.
132. pi. cclvi.
Sp. rupestris, vel rupicola. “ Lebel, in Herb. Mus.
Paris.” Kindb. Symb. Lepig. 8.
I n its general habit this plant resembles Lepigonum, mari-
num, from which it may be easily distinguished by its much
smaller seeds, which are black and rough on the surface, and
never have the membranous margin which is conspicuous in