Annual Germander.
DID YNAMIA Gymnospermia.
Gen. Char. Upper lip of the corolla divided below
its base, and divaricated. Stamens projecting.
Spec. Char. Root annual. Leaves all subrhomboid,
pinnatifid. Flowers mostly ternate. Calyx with
saccate base ; teeth appressed.
Syn. Teucrium Botrys. Linn. Sp. PI. 786. Willd.
Sp. PI. v. 3. 14. Benth. Lab. 679 ; in DeC. Prod,
v. 12. 587. DeC. FI. Fr. ed. 3. v. 3. Koch Deut.
FI. v. 4- 222 ; Syn. ed. 2. 662. Reich. FI. Exc.
314. Meyer, Chlor. Hanov. 286. Lej. et Court.
FI. Belg. v. 2. 220. Poll. FI. Pal. v. 2. 129.
Wimm. et Grab, FI. Siles. pt. 2. v. 1. 175. Scop.
FI. Cam. v. 1. 420. Host. FI. Austr. v. 2. 121.
Gaud. FI. Helv. v. 4. 15. Bertol. FI. Ital. v. 6.
17. Desf. FI. Atl. v. 2. 1. Bab. Man. Br. Bot.
ed. 5. 263.
Chamsepitys altera. Dodon. Pempt. 46. ƒ.
C. femina. Ger. Em. 525. ƒ. 2.
Chamsedrys laciniatis foliis. Lob. Hist. 209. Park.
Theatr. 105./. 4.
C. minor annua laciniatis hirsutis foliis. Moris.
Oxon. v. 3. 423. s. 11. t. 22. ƒ. 18.
Iva muschata. Tabern. Kreut. 105.ƒ. 1.
Botrys verticillata. Bauh. Hist. 298.
P L A N T S of this Teucrium were shown many years ago in
the Chelsea Garden, by Mr. Anderson, as having been brought
from Saunderstead in Surrey. We are not aware that in this
locality it has since been verified; but it was discovered in
1844, on the same chalk-range, by Mr. Ingall (Phytol. v. 1.
p. 1086), east of Box Hill. There, July 29, 1849, Mr. G.
S. Gibson and the writer found it growing scattered for half