RANUNCULUS trichophyllus.
Hair-leaved Water-Crowfoot.
POL YAN D R IA Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5, rarely 3 leaves. Petals 5
or more, with a nectariferous pore at the base.
Pericarps without awns.
Spec. Char. Stem floating. Submersed leaves closely
ti'ifurcate, divided into short capillary rigid segments,
which spread in all directions, and do not
collapse on removal from the water; floating
leaves unknown. Petals small, obovate, '5-7-
veined, not contiguous, evanescent. Stamens
few. Stigma oblong. Carpels half-ovate, laterally
apiculate, compressed, rounded at the edge.
Peduncles not narrowing upwards, about equalling
the leaves.
Syn. R. trichophyllus. Chaix in Vill. FI. Dauph. v. 1.
335 (name only). Gren. et Godr. FI. de Fr.v. 1.
23. Bor. FI. du Centre de la Fr. ed. 3. 12. Godr.
FI. Lorr. ed. 2,v. 1. 15. Bab. in Ann. Nat. Hist,
ser. 2. v. 16. 3901 Man. Brit. Bot. ed. 5. 5. Syme,
E. Bot. ed. 3. pi. xxi. Lloyd, FI. de I’Ouest de la
France, 7.
R. pantothrix, a. capillaceus. DeC. Syst. v. 1.235.
R. capillaceus. Lloyd, FI. du Loire Inf. 5.
R. aquatilis, e. pantothrix. Koch, in Sturm Deutsch.
Fl.fasc. 67. t. 11.
Batrachium trichophyllum. F. Schultz, FI. Gal et
Germ, exsic. no. 805 bis, and 1203. Vanden Bosch
Prod. FI. fiatav. 5.
S t e m floating, bluntly angular. Submersed leaves blackish
green, with many short filiform very rigid segments, two
or three times trifurcate, afterwards bifurcate; intermediate