LEPIGONUM salinum.
Kindberg’s Sandwort.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-parted. Petals 5-parted, entire,
about equalling the calyx. Stamens 10 or fewer.
Styles 3. Capsule 3-valved, dehiscent to the
base. Seeds numerous, often winged.
Spec. Char. Root annual. Leaves fleshy, pointed.
Stipules triangular-ovate, acuminate, entire. Panicle
with a few short leaves. Capsule exceeding
the calyx, and as long as the peduncle. Seeds
brown, compressed, roundly-obovate, surrounded
by a thickened border; a few of them winged.
Syn. Spergularia salina. Presl, FI. Cechica, 95.
Arenaria marina. Wallroth, Sched. Crit. 201.
Alsine marina. Reichenbach, FI. Exsicc. no. 447.
Lepigonum salinum. Kindb. Monog. Lepig. 36.
L. neglectum. Kindb. Symbt. Lepig. 6. Fr. Herb.
Norm. fasc. 15. 46. Brebisson, FI. Norm. ed. 3.
54. Bab. Man. Br. Bot. ed. 5. 127.
Spergularia neglecta. Syme’s E. Bot. ed. 3. v. 2.
125. pi. cclv.
Lepigonum medium, var. a. neglectum. More, in
Report of Thirsk Nat. Hist. Soc. 1861, 8.
T h i s plant is very common on the sea-coast. It has the
appearance of a slender L. marinum, but may be known by
its much smaller and mostly wingless seeds, and by its
narrow petals, which are whitish at the base and purple at