Drouet’s Water-Croivfoot.
PO LYA ND R IA Polygynia,
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5, rarely 3 leaves. Petals 5
or more, with a nectariferous pore at the base.
Pericarps without awns.
Spec. Char. Stem floating. Submersed leaves rather
closely trifurcate, divided into capillary flaccid
segments, which spread in all directions and
collapse ; floating leaves (rare) tripartite ; segments
subsessile or stalked, wedge-shaped, bifid.
Petals small, obovate, 5—7-veined, not contiguous,
evanescent. Stamens few. Stigma oblong. Carpels
half-obovate, laterally apiculate, inflated with
a flattish edge at the end. Peduncles not narrowing
upwards, about equalling the leaves.
Syn. R. Drouetii. F. Schultz in Gren. et Godr. FI.
deFr.v. 1. 24. Bor. Fl. du Centre de la Fr. ed. 3.
12. Brebis. FI. Norman, ed. 3. 7. Bab. in Ann.
Nat. Hist. ser. 2. v. 16.391 ; Man. Brit. Bot. ed. 5.
6. Syme, E. Bot. ed. 3 .pi. xx. Lloyd, Fl. de l’Ouest
de la Fr. 8.
S t e m floating, very bluntly angular. Submersed leaves
light green, two or three times trifurcate, afterwards bifurcate;
intermediate primary division smaller than the others and
much directed downwards; divisions with divaricate branches
at their first fork, their first internode very long and giving
each division the appearance of being a separate leaf. Petioles