J.W .Salter fee.
VIOLA Reichenbachiana.
Lilac Wood Violet.
P E N T A N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Calyx of 5 sepals, extended at the base.
Petals 5, irregular, the lowermost spurred behind.
Anthers slightly cohering, the two lower ones
spurred behind.
Spec. Char. Primary stem not flowering, forming
a rosette, producing axillary lateral flowering
branches. Leaves cordate-prolonged. Calycine
appendages small and becoming indistinct. Petals
oblong, narrow"; lower with a few parallel nearly
simple veins at the base - spur compressed, entire
at the end, coloured. Anther-spurs lancet-shaped,
narrow. Stigma slightly hooked, not capitate.
Syn. Viola Reichenbachiana. Bor. FI. du Centr. de
la Fr. ed. 3. 78. Byrne, E. Bot. ed. 3. v. 2. 20.
pi. clxxiv.
Viola sylvatica. Fries, Nov. Mant. 3. 121 ; Herb-
Norm,. Cent. 6 . 25. Bab. Man. Br. Bot. ed. 2. 36.
Lloyd, FI. de VOuest de la Fr. 56. Brebis. Fl.
Norm. ed. 3. 38.
Viola sylvestris. Reichenb. Fl. Excurs. 707 ; Icon.
Fl. Germ. v. 3. t. 12. f. 4503 (not Lam.).
Viola canina, j3. sylvatica. Fries, Fl. Hall. 46 ; Nov.
FL Suec. 272.
Viola sylvatica, a. Reichenbachiana. Bab. Man. Br.
Bot. ed. 5. 38.
A s the best modern Continental botanists consider this
plant to be specifically distinct from V. Riviniana of Reichen