red lion court, fle et street.
“ E n g l ish B o t a n y ” is long-lived, and our subscribers
must not be surprised, if now and then a volume
makes its appearance. From various circumstances,
and chiefly from the slender support accorded to the
work, it is impossible to publish the numbers frequently
or regularly, and fourteen years have passed
since our last volume was completed.
During this interval between fifty and sixty drawings
have been accumulated, and more are in progress :
thanks rather to the zeal and kindness of the correspondents
and editors of the work, whose names are
long familiar to cultivators of British Botany, than to
the endeavours of the proprietor and artist.
It is intended, therefore, to proceed as regularly as
circumstances will allow with the numerous and interesting
species which still remain unfigured. And
we reckon (excluding the Rubi and Hieracia, which
are all critical forms, and suited rather for a separate
work) that 100 or 120 plants, at least, are well deserving
illustration in this volume.
We shall endeavour to publish a number containing,
as before, six plates, with corresponding letter-press,
every two months, until the materials are exhausted.
The date of publication will, as heretofore, be given
on each plate. And though several of the figures