I la U c i i r .
3.eBTî,BeiiTi>.-nL«- Tlem.-imj
YV.H, H . dil et lith--
P l a t e CLXV.
Gen . C h a r . Frond rosy or brownish red, filamentous ; stem either opake
and celMar, or translucent and jomted ; branches jomted, one-tubed,
mostly pinnate (rarely dichotomous or irregular) ; dissepiments hyahne.
F ru it ol two kinds on distinct plants ; 1, external tetraspores, scattered
along the ultimate branchlets, or borne on httle pedicels ; 2, roundish
or lobed, berry-like receptacles {favelloe) seated on the main branches,
and containing numerous angular spores. C a l l i t h a m n i o n {Lyngb.),
—from KoXof, beautiful, and Bagviov, a little shrub.
C a l l i t h a m n i o n barbatum-, stems (rising from creeping filaments?) much
and irregularly branched; branches mostly alternate, long, subsmiple,
naked, or pinnulated with minute, opposite, spine-hke, erecto-patent
ramuli; articulations twice or tlirice as long as broad ; tetraspores
elliptic oblong, with a wide limbus, sessile on the sides of the pinnulæ.
Callithamnion barbatum, Ag. Syst. Alg. vol. Ü. p. 181. Harv Man
p. 114. J. Ag. Alg. Medit. p. 70. Fndl. 3rd Suppl. p. 34. F. Bot.
Suppl. t. 2889.
Callithamnion Ealfsii, Harv. in Herb. (1838.)
I I a b . On mud-covered rooks, in the sea, between tide-marks. Veryj a r e .
Perennial? Hfracombe, and on the quay at Penzance, M r .IU lfs .
(1888.) Dredged at Weymouth, Rev. M . J . Berkeley.
Geoqr. D is t r . Mediterranean Sea.
De sc r . Filaments forming intricate tufts, densely matted together and apparently
connected at base by creeping fibres, but difficult to disentangle ; one to two
incbe. high, much and irregulaily branched ; branches alternate or opposite
erect, long, simple, or bearing others similar to themselves, their upper h d t
closely pinnulated with very short, opposite, spine-like, erecto-patent ramuh,
their lower part either naked or irregularly pinnulated with sinuto ramuli.
Articulations cylindrical, twice or thrice as long as broad. Tetrmporf
eUiptic-oblong, witb a very wide Hmbus, borne on the sides of tbe ramuli
seskle, mostly solitary. Favellce unknown. Substance membranaceous an^d
somewbat ngid, imperfectly adbering to paper. Colour a dull brownisb-
red, without gloss.
To the naked eye, this species, unless closely examined,
resembles a ragged specimen of C. floridulmi, though when
compared under a lens with that plant the two are seen to be
abundantly difterent. The short opposite rainuli which feather
the ends of the branches of C. harlalum, and which are most
abundant in summer specimens, though perhaps always to be