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P l a t e CXXI.
G e n . C h a u . Frond flat, membranaceous, or subcoriaceous, ribless, veinless,
cellular; central cells of small siz e; those of the smfaoe minute.
Fructification of two kinds, on distinct individuals; 1, convex tuber-
cles [coccidia), having a tliick, cellular pericarp, and containing a
mass of minute spores, on a central p la c en ta ; 3, tetraspores, either
zoned or tripartite, imbedded among th e cells of the sm-face, scattered,
or forming cloudy patches. R h o d y m e n i a {Grev.),'—from poSos-, red,
and ápijr, a ‘membrane.
R h o d y m e n i a laciniata-, frond thickish, sub-cartilaginous, opake, bright
red, more or less palmate or ilabelliform, cleft into numerous, broad,
wedge-shaped segments, which are again divided in a subdichotomous
m an n e r; the apices o b tu se ; th e margin, when in fructiflcation curled
and fringed with minute cilise, in wliich the tubercles are imbedded.
Hhodymenia laciniata, Grev. Alcj. Brit. p. 86. Rook. Br. M. vol. ii. p. 389.
Harv. in Mack. FI. Rib. p a rt 3, p. 194. Wyatt, Aly. Banm. no. 17. Rarv.
Mau.^fi. 60. JEndl. Zrd Suppl. p. 51.
Delessehia laciniata, Grev. FI. Edin. p. 393., Hook, in FI. Bond., New
Series, no. 198.
Delessbkia ciliaris, Lamour. Ess. p. 37.
Calophyllis laciniata, Kiitz. Fliyc. Gen. p. 401.
H alymenia ciliaris, Gaill. Bict. Sc. Nat. v. 53. p. 360.
SpHjEKOOOCCUS laciniatns, Lyngb. Hyd. Ban. p. 13. t. 4. Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. i.
p. 297. Ag. Syst. fi. Rook. El. Scot, y is it‘i . p .W i . Spreng. Syst.
Feg. voL iv. p. 334.
F u c u s laciniatus, Ruds. El. Aug. p. 579. LiglUfi. El. Scot. p. 947. Sm. E.
Bot. 1 .1068. Turn. Syn. Euc. p. 161. .Turn, Hist. t. 69. Esp. Ic. Euc.
t. 140.
Fucus crispatus, Stack. Ner. Brit. t. 15.
Fcons miniatus, Da», t. 769.
Fucus crispus, Esp. Ic. Fuc. t. 18.
Hab . On rocks and stones in the sea, and on L am m a r ia ; rarely within
tide mark. Biennial. January to July. F requent on the British
shores, from Orkney to Cornwall. Common in Ireland. Jersey.
Geogk. D is t e . Atlantic shores of Europe from Norway to Spain. Abundant
ill the Foeroe Islands. Eastern coasts of North America, as far south as
D e s c e . B.oot minute, discoid. Fronds tufted, from three to ten inches long,
with a short flattish stem, which soon expands into the cuneate base of the
frond, cloven into numerous principal segments, all of which are narrow,
and wedge-shaped below, gradually wider upwards, and are more or less
parted into lacinia:, by vertical clefts. In some varieties the segments
are three or four inches broad, and very little divided, except at the superior
margin, which presents a rounded outline, and is parted into numeIf.
RiK.cLel. e tlx th .
ReeTe in ij .