TUL r x x .
',V -i.fí avl.'.a ;itL .
P l a t e CCX.
G e n . C h a e . Frond (at least the branches) tubular, constricted at regular
intervals, and divided by internal diaphragms into joints, fdled with
a watery juice, and traversed by a few longitudinal filaments ; periphery
composed of small, polygonal cells. Fructification of two kinds,
on distinct individuals ; 1, spherical, ovate, or conical capsules {ceramidia)
containing a tuft of wedge-shaped spores on a central placenta ;
2, tripartite tetraspores, immersed in the smaller branches, near their
apices. C h y l o c l a d i a (Orev) — from ju ic e , and trXaSos, a
C h y l o c l a d i a poe rm la ; frond subgelatinous, slender, bushy, irregularly
branched; ramuh scattered; branches constricted at intervals of
(nearly) equal length and breadth ; ceramidia conical, with a prominent
C h y lo c la d ia parvula, Hook.Br.M. vol.ii. p .398. Wyatt, Alg, Banm. n. 73.
Harv. in Mack. M. H ii. part 3. p. 199. Harv. Man. p. 73. J .A g . Alg.
Medit. p. 111.
G a s t r id iu m parvulum, Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 119,
L omentaeia parvula, Zanard. Syn. Alg. Adr. p. 99. Mont. Pol. Sud. Crypt.
p. 133. Endl. 3rd Suppl. p. 43. Kiitz. Phyc. Gen. p. 331.
Cho n d r ia parvula, Ag. Syst. Alg. p. 307.
F u cu s kaliformis, var.y. nanus. Turn. Hist. vol. i. p. 61.
H a b . Parasitical on the smaller Algæ, in tide-pools, near low water mark.
G e o g r . D is t r . Atlantic shores of Southern Europe and North America. Mediterranean
D e s c r . Ih o t composed of branched and matted fibres. Eronds three or four
inches long, very densely crowded together, forming globular, intricate,
bushy tufts, whose branches spread in aU directions. Stem subsimple or
irregularly forked, sometimes much divided, furnished with scattered, more
or less crowded, alternate or opposite, occasionally whorled branches, as
long as itself and vei-y patent. Branches curved, more or less divided, and
set with numerous scattered, patent or horizontal, obtuse ramuli, of nearly
equal diameter with the parts they spring from. Articulations of the stem
and main branches of uncertain length, and occasionally imperfectly defined ;
those of the branches and ramuli pretty constantly as long as broad, or
once and a half as long, contracted at the dissepiments. Ceramidia prominent,
sessile on the branches, ovate or conical, with a prominent orifice,
and containing a dense and very darkly coloured mass of tufted, obconical
spores. Tetraspores minute, triparted, abundantly scattered through the
lesser branches and ramuli. Cohur, a pinky or dull red, changing in fresh