portions of the frond, and become singularly rounded and almost
reniform. The outline of many specimens of this variety, which
I have only seen in the Herbarium of Mr. Pollexfen, to whom I
am indebted for the specimen figured, is very similar to that of
Kalymenia reniformis. Like var. 7 , its substance is thicker, and
colour generally more full than in either of the preceding states of
the species.
Var. e is like a combination of vars. a and 8 ; the lobes of the
frond being obovate as in the latter, but fringed with dichotomous
lobes as in the former. Its claim to rank as a distinct variety
rests on the narrowness and minute division of these marginal
lobes. I regret that there was not room to introduce a figure of
this variety into our plate.
Fig. 1. N itophyllum punctatum;— (3. oceUatum.
PoUexfenii :■—all the natural size.
3. y. crispatum. 3.