WH.H Uel.el Util.
P l a t e CXXXVII.
G e n . Ch a b . F r o n i rosy, or brownish-red, filamentous; stem either opake
and cellular, or translucent and jointed ; branches jointed, one-tubed,
mostly pinnate (rarely dichotomous or irregular) ; dissepiments hyahne.
F ru it of two kinds, on distinct plants : 1, external tetraspores, scattered
along the ultimate branchlets, or borne on little pedicels; 2,
roundish or lobed, berry-like receptacles (favelloe), seated on the main
branches, and containing numerous, angular spores. C a llithamnion
{(Lyngh) ,—from KaXKis^ieautiftd, wiA Bagvlov, \
Ca l lithamnion Iracliiatwwi ; outline of the frond lanceolate ; stem cartila-
ginous, suhsimple, setaceous, somewhat opake, veiny, set with sub-
quadrifarions, lateral branches, often furnished with a second series ;
penultimate branches peHucidly jointed, slender, elongate, set with
short, alternate, very erect, level-topped plumules, the lowermost of
which are most simple ; ramuli erect, subulate, not narrowed at base,
gradually tapering to a fine point, their articulations twice as long as
broad, cylindrical; tetraspores minute, oval, near the tips of the ramuli.
Ca llithamnion brachiatmn, Bonnem. (sec. Lenorm. in Herb.)
Callithamnion Harveyanum, J. Ag. in Linn. xv. p. 45. Endl. 3rd Suppl.
p. 34.
Callithamnion granulatum, H a n . in Br. El. vol. ii. p. 334 (not i
Harv. in Mack. El. Hib. part 3. p. 315.
H a b . Parasitical on tbe larger Algæ, frequently on Laminc
Codium tomentosum, &o. Staffa, Capt. Carmichael. Orkney, Rev. J .
H . Follex fen ; Messrs. Thomas w A M ’c R a in . Torbay and Ilfracombe,
M rs. Griffiths. West of Ireland, W .II.H . Jersey, M iss Turner.
Probably general, but frequently confounded with G. tetragonum.
Geogr. D is t e . Atlantic sbores of Europe.
D e sc r . Eoot scutate. Eronds densely tufted, from two to four inobes long,
witb a lanceolate general outline. S tem simple, distinctly jointed tlirough-
out but veiny, smooth, furnished from the base with numerous closely-set,
alternate, suhquadrifarious, erecto-patent lateral branches, of which those
toward the middle of the stem ai-e longest, the upper ones ga-adually decreasing.
These are commonly simple, but in larger specimens hear a
second series of lesser branches. Penultimate branches from a quarter to
half an inch long, erecto-patent, subquadi'ifarious, set with alternate, very
erect plumules in their upper part, below with simple or once forked subulate
ramuli ; plumules subsimply pinnate, level-topped, their pinnules very
erect, subulate, not narrowed at base, perfectly cylindrical and gi-adually
tapering to a fine point, somewhat incurved. Tetraspm-es small, elliptical,
borne on the uppermost pinnules, near their tips. Eaveïlæ simple, or bi-
lobed, at the apices of shortened plumules. Articulations of the main stem
from twice to thrice or four times as long as broad ; of the ramuli about