spreading and set with spine-like ramuli. Tubercles spherical, sessile on
the sides of tlic cilia. Tetraspores contained in the cilia, ohlong, transversely
zoned. Substance cartilaginous, but flaccid, soon altering in fresh water.
Colour a dull red, which quickly becomes orange in fresh water, and
changes to brownish in drying; in which state the plant, if placed under
pressure, adheres to paper, but shrinks considerably.
Ip -:
This species, first distinguished by Micheli, received the spécifie
name which it now bears from Messrs. Goodenough and Woodward,
who described it in tbeir memoir on the species of Fu,cus
in the Linnæan Transactions. Mr. Turner in his Synopsis, and
subsequently in his great work, regards it as merely a variety of
B. ciliata, to which species, no doubt, it is very closely allied.
Mrs. Griffiths, however, clearly points out characters by which
they may be distinguished, namely, the more flaccid substance
and duller colour of B. jubata, and the different position of the
tetraspores, these being in the present species confined to the cilia,
and in B. ciliata immersed in the laciniæ of the frond. To this
may be added that B. ciliata is a winter plant, and B. jubata in
perfection in summer.
The tubercles of this species are rare. I have only gathered
them in a locality at Miltown Malbay (in roek-pools opposite
“ Billowville ”), but in that station I found them abundantly,
first in 1831, afterwards in 1847. The plant is common on
most of the British shores, but scarcely ever found with tuhercles.
Few plants are more sportive in appearance. Our plate represents
some of the more common forms : but specimens are
often found in whicli the cilia are much more copiously developed,
or where the whole frond is exceedingly slender, filiform, and
entangled. Such examples may at first sight be mistaken for
luxuriant tufts of Gigartina acicularis.
Fig. 1 . R h o d y m e n i a j u b a t a ; fronds:— of tie
tubercle. 3. Vertical seotiou of a tubercle,
of the frond:— all more or less magnified.
size. %. A ciliuiu, with
4. Tetraspores. 5. Section
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