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Gbn. Char. Frond cartflaginous, either flliform, compressed or flat, irregularly
divided, purplish red ; the axis, or central substance, composed
of branching and anastomosing longitudinal filaments; the
periphery of dichotomous filaments laxly set in peUuoid jefly, their
apices moniliform, strongly united together. Fructificatioii double,
on distinct plants ; 1, external tuhercles containing, on a central placenta,
dense clusters of spores {favellidia) held together by a network
of fibres ; 3, tetraspores scattered among the filaments of the
periphery, or aggregated in dense, immersed sori. Gigartina {L am ),
■—from yiyagrov, a grape stone, which the tubercles resemble.
Gigartina p istilla ta ; frond compressed, stipitate, flabellately branched ;
branches repeatedly forked, with wide, rounded axils, naked, or pinnated
with short, horizontal ramuli ; apices acute ; tubercles solitary or in
pairs, on the ramuli ; tetraspores chained together, in immersed sori,
forming distortions in the branches.
Gigart ina pistillata, Lamour. Fss. p. 49. Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 146. Hook.
Br. Fl. vol. ii. p. 300. Harv. Man. p. 75. Fndl. 3rd Suppl. p. 41.
Kütz. Phyc. Gm. p. 402. t. 70. f. 1. Mont. PI. Algier. p. 99.
Sphærococcus gigartinus, Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. i. p. 274. Ag. Syst. p. 224.
Fucu s pistillatus, Gmel. Fuc. p. 159. 1.12. f. 1. Lam. Biss. p. 51. I. 27.
Fucu s gigartinus, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. ii. p. 719. Good, and Woodw. Linn.
Trans, vol. iii. p. 183. 1 .17. f .3 ,4 . F .Bot. t. 908. With, vol.iv. p. 111.
Turn. Syn. vol.ii. p. 280. Turn. Hist, t, 28.
Fu cus (Ederi, Fsper, 1 .135.
Ceramium gigartinum, Both, Cat. vol. hi. p. 109.
H ab. On rooks, near low-water mark. Perennial. Winter. Very rare.
Coast of Cornwall, in several places. Discovered by the Hon. B r.
Wenman before 1800. St. Ives, Stackhouse. Penzance, Brodie.
Padstow, Miss H ill. Rooks under St. Minver, at the mouth of the
Padstow River, Mrs. Oriffiths. Mount’s Bay, B r . M ‘Culloch.
Whitsand Bay, B r . Jacob (1839); Mr. Gilbert (1848), &o.
Jersey, Miss Turner.
Geogr. D is t r . Atlantic shores of Erance and Spain. Mediterranean sea.
D e sc r . Boot a broad, fleshy disc. Fronds densely tufted, two to six inches
high, compressed, rising with an undivided stem or stipe to the height of
one or two inches, then branched in a fan-like manner ; the branching
normally dichotomous, and repeatedly forked, but from some of the internodes
being very short, or altogether suppressed, various in-egularities in
branching occur. AU the divisions are very patent, with wide, rounded
axils ; and the ultimate branches gradually taper upwards, and end in an
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