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D r ,m L .i e id iA L Heeve.liup .
P l a t e C X L I .
G en . C h a e . Frond filiform, one-tubed, articulated; the dissepiments coated
with a stratum of coloured cellules, which sometunes extend over the
surface of the articulation. Fmetifieatimi of tw‘o kinds, ou distinct
individuals; 1, tetraspores, either unmersed in the ramuli, or more or
less external; 3, sessile,, roundish receptacles { fa v e lla ), having a
pellucid limbus, contaming minute, angular spores, and subtended by
one or more short, involucral ramuli. Ce eam ium {R o th )—from
Kepagos, g, pitcher, but the fruit is not pitcher-shaped.
Ce eam ium echionotum ; frond slender, of nearly equal diameter tliroughout,
rigid, repeatedly dichotomous, frequently with lateral forked branchlets,
fastigiate, the apices more or less involnte ; articulations pellucid, those
of the middle of the stem three or four tunes longer than broad, the
upper gradually shorter, the uppermost extremely short ; dissepiments
coloured, armed with numerous, slender, irregularly inserted, subulate,
colourless, one-johited prickles; tetraspores mostly solitary in each
joint, erumpent, along the outer margin of the filament ; favellæ mostly
bilobed, lateral, subtended by nmnerous, strongly incurved ramuli.
C e e am ium ecliionotum. J. J g . Advers. p. 27.
H a b . On rocks and stones, betwæen tide marks; and in tidal pools
parasitic on various Algæ. Annual. Summer and autumn. Common
in several places. Torbay M rs. Griffiths. Plymouth, Messrs. Ilo re and
Rohloff. Youghal, Miss B a ll. North of Ireland, M r. W. Thompson.
West of Ireland, W .I I .H .
Geoge. D is t e . Coasts of Europe, both Atlantic and Mediterranean.
De sc e . Fronds capillary, densely tufted, three to six inches long, harsh and
rigid to the touch, of nearly equal diameter tlu-oughout or slightly attenuated
upwards, many times dichotomous, frequently furnished with lateral, repeatedly
forked, short branchlets, fastigiate. Axils patent in all parts of
the frond. Apices more or less strongly hooked inwards. Articulations at
first filled with a pale pink fluid, at length colourless, cylindi'ioal, those of the
lower part of the frond several times longer than broad, the iqiper gi-adually
shorter. Dissepiments coated with a broad, clearly defined baud of minute
coloured cellules, armed with more or less nmnerous, irregularly inserted,
slender, brittle, aeicidar, colourless, one-jointed prickles. Tetraspores coii-
fiued to the outer edge of the filament, oue, or rarely two, in each dissepiment,
prominent, with wide pericarps. Favellæ generally near the apices of
the frond, or of the lateral ramvdi, often placed in the fork, and subtended
by an involucre foi-med of several, involute ramuli. Colour of the tufts, a
more or less deep purplish-red. Substance rigid, imperfectly adhering to