Of the Ancient and Modern Population of Iran or the Medo-
Persian I Empire."
Section 1. General observations— Outline of the physical
geography of Iran .................. ..'— ................ 1
Section EH Of three different historical sources of information,
respecting the old Persian race ................. 6'
.Greek w riters............ .......................................... 7
Persian writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ 9
Zendish tradition8 ................................................ H
S ection 3. Ethnological investigation .................... 12
Paragraph 1. Names'of Iran and Arii—
1 Topographical divisions—Languages — 13
Paragraph 2. Of the modem Persian.dialects
.................. ................................ »........ 14
. Paragraph 3; Of the Pehlvi and Zend ... 17
Paragraph 4. Relations of the Zend to the
dialects of Persia and to the other Indo-
European languages ............ .............. ' 20
Paragraph 5. Of the. information derived
from Cuneiform inscriptions,...............— 25
Progress made in the investigation—Results
obtained—Language of the decyphered
inscriptions — ............ 28
Paragraph 6. General results of researches
regarding the languages of aneient Iran 32