operation is 'pereeiv&d on a large scale* but nolb in every
individual instance*; ;"^
'*The‘i: same oMervatioH applif&f in a mo re5 general ^ p^nb
of view,‘to tEe effect o‘f^%Jimate on the congenital complexion.
7- We hav^lready Sefen that Hinddo'&sin the Himalayan
countries are frequently of the -xanthous variety;
Within the limits of Hindustan and the Dekhan a similar
relation between the prevalent complexion and the.'degrees
of latitude;* velevation* of countries, and ^pttetire t<> the
solar heat, are perceptible. I have already elted the evidence
Of Dubois-for this fact,-according Wo whom fte? people
of the northern provinces are5 generally Speaking,'sa^irer
than those Of the hotter and more southern, and persons
whddive at ease and protected from the influbtfe; of the
climate ale lesf -Wack than %Bbse who are? This
If5 the uniform statement of travellers as thfe^result of
observation on an dxtensi\% scale, ' 1 though nbt^Koldin^in-
paf tiCUlar instatices; As ah example I sMl c8% the remark
of Mr. Elphinstone, who has contrasted the native's -df'
Hindustan proper with those of the Carnatic.^The* forrfer,
he says, are comparatively tall and-well made,-«and of
slow and deliberate speech;^ unlike the small, black,
and shrivelied nativeb of the Carnatic, -who afe_remarkable
for the vehemence of their gesture and their volubility4; -k
Paragraph 3.—Of the Physical Characters prevalent among
particular Races, and in particular Districts in India.
I shall adduce ra* edhfirmatiott of the preceding remarks
some>accohh#lpcollected from various sources, of- particular
tribes, and of the inhabitants of particular districts in
1. Of the Rajputs of Rajast’han.—The Rajphts possess
all the open and best cultivated country in Rajast’han,
and their fortresses crown the summits of ^ its hills.
They are distinguished from all the other inhabitants
by their manners and physical characters. They are.
tall in stature, stout and handsome, with hooked noses
and arcbqd?»,eye"l)^ow8. Their, complexion 4s well known
to;$>e i^mpar ativelyJaiB'. *
P e o p ^ # ^ C Panj|dx— Generally speaking the natives
Qf ;th>e. E a i # t e s -M r . Hami^f||sayS',?differ little from other
Hindoos,t^Cbpt- live^in * h illy countries, where
■th^jwQmen bayc; an olive,'complexion an<l ar® delicately
. .Thetclass of cultivfl&jfoli ms#p$ow*cqimtries are termed
Jau%f • they are the aboriginal inhabitants , of the ^oil.
The JautS are d^s^ribedifby ^ r . Elphjnstone,asilittIe, black,
and ill-looking peqp^^^#^i^gr,^troHg indications of poverty
and wretchedness^. Har4shlp$an& exposure probably have
m^ified theirappearance.
.The tth^^north-e^teriS,parts: :qf Ajmere.ds
inhabited by <Bhfc$tib&* .jvarioug^ tribesj,|-of Bhafties are
likewise . scattered th roughs the Pqnjp-^^l These? fctr^bes; are
termed, by^Afeul-.Faz.il, author of the, In s titu l^ o f Akbar,
Askajnhatti. They arC^'no|y Mohammedans,- andyfor the
miosjt, part »robbery, unfder vchie'fe't.40vf|&the same; religion.
Kfrrj jS ty the jcbtefe'W^ Raj puts and the;j people were
shepherd^«! They.are ^of.-the, race of -Jatp|6 r Jaiits.. | ,
lH^ 4 istrict,;to the northreaf^ern part. of^Guizerat, inter-
§eetddoby branche^f. the Banas,S; riyer, bears the name of
Jatwar, and is marked out as the particular,icountry of the
Jauts. But a mixed people pf JheiSame^rpce forms the chief
population of Sindh -andof the country eastwardofthe Indus j
subjept.to Kabul":;; they comp^sedhe Mohammedan peasantry
of the Panjhbj and 'are, spread* through Beluchistan where
they ate termed Jagdals. Thp J-atsiJtf Guzerat, and of Rack’
are pf Sindhian extraction: they are Moslims, and;» turbulent
predatory race | ' yet they are industrious and cultivate
their land : • they are.served by a-race of slaves named
Samehja, who were formerly an inferior tribe in Sindh.
.... *s. From the: .manners, appearance, and customs of this
tribe there is reason .to Ibelieve that the Jauts, v wherever
placed, were all originally,' Hindoos, and that • they were
converted to Islam after the Mohammedan invasion.”
"?{The Jaut.Women are cOarse in their persons, and dress
* Tod’s Rajast’han.