from Nuldroog, had endured, within larger or smaller
boundaries, since the middle of the third century,
when, about a .d . 1200, it was succeeded by rulers of
the Bahmany dynasty, noted for their erections of
massive forts, many of which are still existing, and it
was not until 1480 th a t the district came under the
dominion of the kings of Beejapoor. But we must
now return to the temples we came to see—an open
gateway, consisting of four stone columns, supporting
a plain entablature, stands some distance in advance
of the strong wall which surrounds the whole group,
accessible by an enormous pyramidal porch called
Gopura, ’ so well known in connection with places of
Hindu worship. The latter has nine tiers, each of
them open in the centre ; built of granite, black
from age, and its entire height must be upwards of a
hundred feet. The space within, covering several
acres of ground, has on the right some ordinary buildings,
reserved for the use of the priests, and a college ;
beyond those, again surrounded by an inner wall, is
the temple itself, or “ Vimàna,” polygonal or star-shaped
of really noble proportions, surmounted by three of
those lofty towers, similar in size and form to that
over the entrance, and richly ornamented throughout.
The sides of thè steps, leading up to the temple are
carved, representing elephants drawing a chariot, and
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