to 1830, the latter consisting of 15,000 men, half
native, half European troops, and peace was only
established by the Government paying to the Sultan
a sum equal to two millions sterling in consideration
of his receiving a Dutch Resident within his capifal,
who thenceforth became the real Governor of the
province. Here, as at Solo, an independent prince is
recognized to keep the Sultan in check, who has since
been simply a vassal of Holland.
I also visited the tombs of the Sultans at Mataram,
the oldest of which dates back about 300 years. In
the centre of the enclosure is a large fish-pond, in
which is kept the sacred turtle, forty inches in diameter,
also a number of large gold and silver fishes. rlhe
building, containing the remains of so many potentates,
consists of low walls, supporting a high-pitched
tile roof nearly touching the ground at either side,
and within are the simple tombs, constructed of
stone, under a wooden form, over which a white cloth
is suspended, giving them the appearance of rows of
hospital beds. Surrounding this Pashalic burial-shed
is the general cemetery of the faithful subjects, for
Mahomedanism is the professed creed here as elsewhere
in Java,—in reality, the natives of these
southern districts can hardly be said to have any
definite religion, and their existence is simply ruled
by habit and by superstition. There are some four
or five divisions within the grounds, each having a
sort of carved stone lichgate in the centre, in the shape
of a five-roofed pagoda; it is a curious place altogether,
and admirably kept. On our return drive to the
town, we passed a splendid banyan tree, said to be
the largest known, it certainly appeared of enormous
dimensions. The Resident now drove me to his own
house, where he entertained me at tiffin, and afterwards
showed me the effect of thé memorable earthquake
of June, L867, which had caused the death
of many hundreds of natives and destroyed the
greater portion of Djokjokarta, amongst which was
the Dutch residency, a perfect palace, constructed of
stone and marble, from which the Resident and his
family only just escaped with their lives. As the
disaster happened during the night when all the
doors were closed, and great difficulty was experienced
in getting them open whilst the shock, which was of
unusual duration, lasted, had not assistance come
from without, all the inmates must have been buried
under the ruins, which soon covered the whole
space. I t was a lesson to construct houfees in tropical
Java of a more giving material. The new building
consists of a framework of bamboo and other supple
timber. Here I was shown a fine collection of antique