grey, the primaries white along the basal part of the outer web,
giving the wing a conspicuous white outer aspect j tail-feathers dark
slaty grey, shading into blackish at the end of the feathers ; entire
crown and nape, as well as the sides of face, ear-coverts, and fore
part of cheeks deep chestnut-red, the under cheek-feathers slightly
tipped with ochraceous ; frontal plumes with lanceolate tips of light
ashy grey or hoary whitish ; under surface of body dull ochraceous
brown, with lighter shaft-lines of pale ochraceous, imparting a striped
appearance to the throat and breast; the sides of the body more
ashy grey ; chin chestnut, like the sides of the face ; thighs dark
grey, with a few chestnut feathers near the tarsal bend ; under tail-
coverts chestnut; under wing-coverts ashy grey, slightly marked
with ochraceous ; quills sepia-brown below, paler along the edge of
the inner web.
Pour specimens are sent by Mr. Treacher, all adult, and exactly
similar in plumage. On comparing them with Sumatran specimens
of I. mitrata, a very marked difference presents itself, which shows
that the Kiri a. Balu bird belongs to a new species. Although similar
to I. mitrata in its general coloration and white-edged quills, it is
distinguished at once by its chestnut ear-coverts, while the chin and
fore part of the cheeks are also chestnut.
16. T c k d u s PALLENS.
Turdus pollens-, PalL ; Salvad. tom. cit. p. 256.
An adult specimen, sent by Mr. Treacher.
17. M onticola so l ita k iu s .
Monticola solitarius (P. L. S. Müll.), Walden, Tr. Z. S. ix. p. 192.
A .specimen sent by Mr. Treacher.
. This is the second occurrence' of the bird in Borneo, the first
havin'* been recorded by me under the name of Monticola pandoo
(Ibis, 1877, p. 13), from Mr. Alfred Everett’s Bintulu collection.
Mr. Treacher’s specimen is in full blue-and-red plumage, with the
usual margins to the feathers found in the winter dress.
For permission to use the foregoing Papers, I am
under obligations to James Britten, Esq., Editor of the
Journal of Botany, and to P. L. Sclater, Esq., Secretary
of the Royal Zoological Society of London.
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