*Nephrodium Haenkeanum, Presl.
*Nephrodium singaporianum, Baker.
Nephrodium ternatvm, Baker. A fine series of specimens of this
endemic species.
2 1 9 * N e ph r o d ium (Sagenia) n udum, Baker, n. sp.—Allied to
N . pachyphyllum, Baker.
*Nephrodium polymorphum, Baker.
Nephrolepis volubilis, J. Sm.
Polypodium Barberi, Hook.
Polypodium urophyllum, Wall. A variety with many of the sori
91.* P oly po d ium (Eupolypodium) m in im um , Baker, n. sp.—Allied
to the Andine P. Sprucei, Hook., and Mascaren P. Gilpince and
symorum, Baker.
131.* P olypodium (Eupolypodium) B u r b id g e i, Baker, n. sp.—
Habit and texture of Davallia Emersoni.
Polypodium alternidens, Cesati, Pil. Bom., p. 25, tab. 2, fig. 4.
Of this Burbidge’s bundle contains a single specimen. It is a
well-marked new species, discovered by Signor Beccari in the
neighbourhood of Sarawak.
* Polypodium, cucullatum, Nees. A small slender form.
132.* P oly po d ium (Eupolypodium) strepto phy llum, Baker, n. sp.
Allied to P. cucullatum, but the pinnse are narrower, and reach
down to the main rachis, and bear the sorus at their tip.
*Polypodium minutum, Blume.
*Polypodium papillosum-, Blume. The plant so-called by Cesati,
gathered by Beccari, near Sarawak, I hold to be quite distinct from
Blume s Javan type, and propose to call it P. Cesatidnum.
*Polypodium clavifer, Hook.
210.* P oly po d ium (Eupolypodium) ta x o d io id e s , Baker, n. sp.
Polypodium soridens, Hook.
297.* P oly po d ium (Phymatodes) s t en o pt er is , Baker, n. sp.
Polypodium longifolium, Mett.
*Polypodium oodes, Kunze. Matches exactly Cuming’s Philippine
specimens, which were all that were previously known.
301.* P o lypodium (Phymatodes) h o lo ph y l lum , Baker, n. sp.__
Like P . oodes in rhizome, stipe and so r i; differing by its smaller
frond, crenulate border and flabellate veining.
Polypodium acrostichoides, Porst.
* Poly podium angustatum, Sw.
Polypodium dipteris, Blume.
Polypodium bifurcatum, Baker.
Polypodium Phymatodes, L.
* Poly podium ebenipes, Hook.
Gymmogramma avenía, Baker.
Gymnogramma borneensis, Hook.
Gymmogramma Wallichii, Hook.
Gymnogramma Feei, Hook.
Antrophyum reticulatum, Kaulf.
Vittaria debilis, Kuhn.
Vittaria elongata, Sw.
Tcenitis blechnoides, Sw. Both the type and well-marked variety,
T. interrupta, H. and G.
Acrostichum sorbifolium. L.
* Acrostichum scandens, J. Sm.
*Acrostichum subrepandum, Hook.
Acrostichum drynarioides, Hook.
* Acrostichum bicuspe, Hook. The typical form, which has only
been once gathered before by Thomas Lobb in Java.
Platycerium biforme, Blume.
*Platycerium grande, A. Cunn.
Schizcea malaccana, Baker.
Schizcea dichotoma, Sw.
Schizcea digitata, Sw.
Lygodium dichotomum, Sw.
Lygodium scandens, Sw.
*Equisetum elongatum, W ill I.
Lycopodium cernuum, L.
Lycopodium casuarinoides, Spreng.
Lycopodium carinatum, Desv.
Lycopodium Phlegmaria, L.
*Lycopodium macrostachys, Hook, and Grev.
*Lycopodium volubile, Porst.
*Selaginella atroviridis, Spreng.
Selaginella caulescens, Spreng.
Selaginella incequalifolia, Spreng.
*Selaginella Willdenoviì, Baker.
^Selaginella flabellata, Spreng.
*Selaginella suberosa, Spreng.
Psilotum triquetrum, Sw.
Psilotum complanatum, Sw. — P. Zollingeri, Cesati.
It will be seen that altogether Mr. Bnrbidge has added above
fifty species to the fern-flora of the island. His exploration