dull, and incline to purplish in tint. This species appears to me to
he a thorough Ghibia, and I do not at present see how naturalists
can avoid recognizing the existence of Ghibia in the Malay archipelago
; nor do I understand how the Indian and Malayan species
are to he separated, when such a perfect gradation is now offered
hy C. bomeensis and G. pectoralis. Under these circumstances 1
helieve that Salvadori’s genus Dicruropsis, which I was lately inclined
to admit (Mittheil. k. zool. Mus. Dresd. hi. y . 360), cannot
he sustained ; and I therefore revert to my old opinion concerning
these hirds (Cat. B. in. p. 234). I have given this species the name
of bomeensis to celebrate the addition of a Ghibia to the avifauna of
Borneo. Mr. Treacher has also procured a single specimen of it on
the Lawas river. . .
The young bird from Kina Balu differs from the adult in being
duller black, with fewer and less metallic chest-spots and hackles.
B. similis B. leucophsese, sed macula lorali alba magna distin-
guenda. Long. tot. 10, culm. 0-9, aim 5-3, caudm 5T, tarsi O'7.
The presence of white on the facial region of a species of grey
Buchanga would seem to ally it at once to B. leucogenys In the
Bornean bird, however, of which I have three specimens before me,
the white is confined to a large loral spot in front of the eye, whereas
in B. leucogenys the eyebrow and ear-coverts, as well as the
feathers below the eye, are also white or whitish. The new species
is also of the same dark grey as B. Uucophma (B. cinerama of my
Catalogue, iii. p. 250), and not of the light pearly grey which *
another character of B. leucogenys. One specimen was contained m
Mr. Burbidge’s collection, and two in Mr. Treachers.
11. P ericrocottjs ig n e u s .
Pericrocotus igneus, Blyth ; Salvad. tom. cit. p. 144; Shaipe, Cat.
B. iv. p. 78.
An adult male, in Mr. Burbidge’s collection.
■12. Thachycomgs ochrocephaltts.
Trachycomus ochrocephalus (Gm.), Salvad. tom. cit. p. 197.
One specimen, in Mr. Burbidge’s collection.
13. Btjbigtjla montis, sp. n.
B. similis B. flaviventri, sed multa minor et gula flava nec nigra
distinguenda. Long, tota 5-7, culminis 0-5, aim 3T, caudm 2-8,
tarsi 0.7.
General colour above olive-yellowish, the wing-coverts like the
~back ; quills and tail dull blackish brown, externally washed with
•olive-yellow like the back, the greater coverts also brown washed
with olive-yellow ; tail-feathers paler brown at the tip of the inner
"web ; head crested, black, as also the sides of the face, ear-coverts,
and cheeks; entire under surface of body yellow, slightly more
olive-green on the sides; under wing-coverts yellow, the longer ones
white washed with yellow ; quills sepia-brown below, white along
the edge of the inner webs.
This species is almost exactly the same as Rubigula atricapilla of
Ceylon, but has not the white tips to the tail-feathers, while its long
■crest distinguishes it from the Ceylonese species, which is not
■crested. In the form of the crest and in general appearance it is
. almost precisely similar to B. flaviventris of Pegu and Tenasserim,
but is smaller, and has the throat yellow like the rest of the under
■surface. The single specimen obtained was in Mr. Treacher’s
14. C r in ig e r r t jf ic r is su s , sp. n.
C. similis C. gutturali, sed supra ubique sordidior, supracaudalibus
caudaque saturate rufescenti-brunneis; loris et regione oculari
cum genis et regione parotica sordide cinereis, gula alba, corpore
reliquo subtus sordide olivascente, sub caudalibus castaneis. Long,
tot. 8, culm. 0‘85, aim 4-0, caudm 4-0, tarsi 0 ‘7.
This species is not very different from G. gutturalis, but differs in
it s much darker coloration, especially on its under surface, which is
•dull olivaceous, with a white throat and chestnut-red under tail-
coverts. There is an entire absence of the pale-brown colour of the
breast washed with yellow, and of the light yellow abdomen and
pale fawn-coloured under tail-coverts. The crest is very long in
*G. ruficrissus, and extends nearly to the mantle.
15. I antho c in cla t r e a c h e r i , sp. n.
I. similis I. mitratse (S. Mull.), ex Sumatra, sed genis, mento et
regione parotica sicut caput castaneis facile distinguenda. Long,
tota 10, culminis 0'85, aim 415, caudm 4'5, tarsi 1*5.
Adult. General colour above dark ashy grey, with a very slight
rshade of ochraceous under certain lights ; the wing-coverts slightly
more bluish grey than the back : quills blackish, externally bluish