nantlms Burbidgei). Sarcops Lowii was also obtained in
Sulu, and the new Buchanga stigmatops from Kina Balu.
No special endeavours were made in obtaining birds,
only such species being shot as came in the way while
I was searching the forest and mountain sides for
The first expedition to the great mountain of Kina
Balu was made in company with P. C. M. Yeitch, Esq.,
who joined me on his return from an extended torn’ in
Australia and the Fiji islands. The journey was a critical
and tedious one, as we walked every inch of the way from
Gaya Bay to the mountain, and hack again to the coast,
via the Koung, Kalawat and Bawang villages. We were
successful in finding all the large species of nepenthes in
one locality on the mountain for the first time, and in
addition a distinct variety of N. Edwardsiana with shorter
thick-winged pitchers, which it is possible may prove to
he a natural hybrid between N. Edwardsiana and N.
My acknowledgments are due to Hugh Low, Esq.,
C.M.G., H.M. Resident in Perak, who, when he heard of
my intention of ascending the mountain, very kindly sent
me information as to the localities on Kina Balu where
the nepenthes and other rare plants are found. To
H. E. William Hood Treacher, H.M. Administrator of
Labuan, and to the Hon. Dr. Leys, M.B., Colonial
Surgeon of the same island, I shall always be grateful
for the practical help afforded me during my expedition,
and for the open-handed hospitality they extended to a
wandering stranger by chance thrown in their way.
The following is an abridged account of my specimens,
of ferns, as written by Mr. J. G. Baker, F.R.S., and
published in the Journal of Botany, 1879, p. 37 :—
The following is a complete list of the species gathered,
which were all obtained in the neighbourhood of Labuan and
Kina Balu. To the new species I have prefixed numbers,
showing the position in which they fall, according to the
sequence followed in our “ Synopsis Filicum and I have
marked with a * the names of those which, so far as I am
aware, have not been gathered in the island before. I may
mention that a complete catalogue of the ferns of Borneo was
published in 1876 by Baron Vincent de Cesati, with a special
account, with figures of some of the novelties, of those gathered
by Professor Beccari.
*Gleiclienia circinata, Sw., yar. borneensis, Baker.
Oleichenia dichotoma, Hook.
*Gleichenia vestita, Blume, var. palacea, Baker.
Alsophila glabra, Hook. ?
Alsophila latebrosa, Hook.
5 9 .* A l s o p h il a B u r b id g e i , Balm, n . sp. A l l i e d to A. latebrosa,
Oldhami a n d Wallacei.
Hymenophyllum Blumeanum, Spreng.
*Hymenophyllum Smithii, Hook. The plant so called in Cesati’s
list proved to he Trichomanes denticulatum, Baker.
*Hymenophyllum sabincefolivm, Baker.
Hymenophyllum Neesii, Hook.
*Hymenophyllum formosum, Brack.
* Hymenophyllum obtusum, Hook. Gathered lately in New Guinea
by Beccari.
Trichomanes Filicula, Bory.
Trichomanes pallidum, Blume.
Trichomanes digitatum, Sw. Two different forms, one lengthened
out, with remote branches, the other short, with close branches.