C O N T E N T S .
C h a p t e r I.—Observations on Portuguese Government.—Geological Excursions
in the Environs of Lisbon.—Aqueduct.—Fishes. Almada. Shells.
—Voyage to Madeira.—Fellow Passengers.—Gull.—Fishes and Mohuscae
C h a p t e r II—Mount Church— Geology of Western Cliffs.—Lava.—Hut of an
Idiot—Waterfall.—Tutinegro.—Com-Mills.—Ariero,—Camera de lobos.
—Sida carpinifolia.—Ciiff.—Pad Branco—Coural__das Freirás— First
attempt to go to Pico Ruivo.—Second attempt.—Ferns. St. Vicente.
House of Donna Anna.—Foul da Serrá.—Pico da Cruz -Second Excursion
to the Westward.—Malmsey Plantation.—Cavern.—Brazen Head.
Excursions to the Eastward.-^-—St. Cruz Machico.—The Lagoa.—Concluding
remarks . • . t • „ *
C h a p t e r III—Visit to Porto Santo— Story of M a ch im .— Sharks.—Insects.
Morgados—History of Baker—Landing at Porto Santo.—Governor’s
house.—Governor and family.—Formation of Porto Santo.—Baxo.—
Productions of Porto Santo .
C h a p t e r IV.—Sketch of a Flora.—Geographical distribution of Plants—
Wines.—Cultivation of the Vine— Soils.—African Imports.—Vegetables.
Dyes.—Timber .
C h a p t e r V .—Zoological, Meteorological, and Barometrical Observations—
Flood of Madeira . , . •
S u p p l e m e n t . , • • •
B o t a n i c a l A p p e n d i x . . .
List of-Insects found in Madeira . . .
N A R R A T IV E .
C h a p t e r I.—Arrival oí the Governor at Funchal.—-The Proceedings of the
New Powers.*—Departure from Madeira.—Teneriffe.—Arrival at Bona
Vista.—Senhor Martins’ House.—Governor and Family.—Society.—