2.. Alcedo,
The beak is scarlet ; the crest of a bright pale blue,, striped across with
narrow bands of black; head, back, wings, and tail, are of a brilliant
azure; the throat is white, and the belly of a light-brown.
A variety of the above had a.crest of azure and black, and the sides of
the head were of a bright violet, but was in all other respects marked in
the same manner. The form'er is also found in great numbefs, near the
salt pond, behind Cape Coast.
3. Alcedo.
The upper mandible is'scarlet, the lower black ; the head, throat,
breast, and belly, ash-coloured; the back, upper pen feathers of the
tail, and the lower parts of the pens of the wings, of a beautiful dark
blue, mixed-with a slight tinge of green; outer scapularies black; inner
scapularies white.
4. Alcedo.
The top of the head black, with small azure spots; the cheeks of a warm
orange-brown. A few azure feathers descend from the commissure toward
the throat. Breast and throat, of the same colour as the cheeks ; back
black, spotted with the most brilliant azure ; tail black, slightly tinged
with azure; scapularies and tectrices black, spotted with azure; remi-
ges black and brow n; the inner scapularies are of an orange-brown;
legs red.
Buceros, Lin.
The prominence of the beak only reaches to a quarter of its length,
where it abruptly terminates; the plumage is entirely black, except
under the wings, where it is white.
Picus, Inn.
The head is scarlet; the back, wings, and tail, of a pale brown; there
are a few scarlet feathers at the bottom of the back; belly and throat
Pogonias, Illig.
Head, back, wings, and tail, of a raven black; a white patch on the
middle of the back ; throat of a bright crimson; belly mottled with
crimson and white.
Psittacus, Lin. Parrakeet, Cuv.
Corythaix Paulina.
Also found at Sierra Leone. It has a very loud cry.
Numida Meleagris.
Perdix Senegalus.
Columbia, bin.
The head, throat, and breast, are of a pale yellow-green; back and
wings, gray, tinged with green ; tail gray ; each of the tectrices have a
yellow rim ; the inner pens are of a reddish brown.
Struthio Camelus, Lin.
1. Ardea Pavonia, Lin.
2. Ardea.
3. Ardea Dubia, Qmel. Ardea Algala, Lath.
Ciconia, Cuv.
Head, breast, and belly, w hite; scapularies and tectrices of wings white,
with bands of reddish violet, toward the end of the feathers; remiges
of wings and tail of a very dark yellow-green; back white, tinged with
violet; the tarsi are reticulated, and of a yellow colour.
Mycteria, Lin.
Upper and lower mandible both curved ; a membranous skin descends
from the forehead just above the eye, and covers the upper mandible for