rays; the pectoral 13, the ventral 7, and the anal 3 spines and 7 rays;
the whole fish is silvery, tinged with brown and red, like a carp, except
on the beliy, where it is orange ; the fins and lips are red. It inhabits
the River Gambia-
Coryphaena Novaeula, Ian.
Found at Bona Yista and St. Jago.
Chromis Triacantha, new species, Bowd., fig. 52.
So named from the three spines of its ventral fin; the dorsal fin has 15
spines, and 11 rays; the yentral has 9 rays, besides its 3 spines; the
whole fish is of a silvery gray, except the fins, which are orange. Found
in the Gambia.
Sparus.>Sargus, Lin. s Bona Vista.
Spariis Chromis, I/in. Bona Vista.
Dentex Unispitíosus, new species, Botad., fig. 42.
So calléd from the single free spine in front of the dorsal fin, which has
besides 21 rays ; the pectoral has 12 , the ventral 6, the bases of which
are covered with a large scale the anal has 4 spines and 8 rays, and
the caudal 20 rays; bands of small scales pass across the head; the
pre-operculum is radiated, and there are 7 small sharp teeth, wide apart
in front of each jaw, and cm each' side of the jaws is a row en velours ;
the whole fish is silvery, slightly tinged with red. Porta Praya.
Dentex Diplodon, new species, Bowd., fig. 46.
The teeth of this new species of Dentex are small and irregular, and set
in a double row, the inner row of which is the longest; the dorsal fin
has 16 rays and 10 spines, the pectoral 1.5 rays, the ventral 5 rays and 1
spine, the anal 10 rays and 3 short spines, and the caudal has 15 rays;
the whole body of the fish is of a dark silvery gray, with a yellow spot
just above the operculum ; the fins are yellow', tinged with red. Porta