[The Begonia has been considered by M. de Jussieu, since he published his Genera Plantarum, as the type of a new family, but I do not exactly know its place amongst the natural orders.
1. Theridium—Walckencer. Sp. unknown. Vide fig. 24.
2. Thomisus—a species analagous to the Aranea Venatoria of Linnoeus, to the T. Canceridus
of Walckencer, and the T. Leucosia of Fabricius. It also hears much
affinity to a species of Selenops from Senegal.
3. Thomisus ? vid. fig. 23.
4. A species of Polydesmus, very near to the Julus Complanatus of FJabricius.
5. Ricinus—vid. fig. 22, a and b.
6. Locusta—a species apparently near to the Locusta falx of Fabricius, also from
7. Locusta albifrons, vid. fig. 21, a and b.
8. A species of Acheta, very near to the Morio of Fabricius.
9. Acheta—-apparently the A-domestica. Fab.
10. Gryllus—Lin. Acrydium. Geoffroi.
11. iEshna—approaching to the iEshna grandis, Fab., and greatly resembling the species
figured by Rcesel, tom. 2. insect, aquat. tab. 2, fig. 1.
12. Apis mellifica. Lin.