Mugii Bispinosus, new species, Bowd., fig. 38.
The lower part x»f the upper lip is set with small teeth, en velours ; the
first dorsal fin is composed of 4 strong spines, thè second has 2 spines
and 7 rays, the caudal 14 rays, the pectoral 13, the ventral 6, ànd thè
anal 10 ; the fish is .silyëry with 8 black stripes ; the lateral line is not
visible. Bona Vista.
Bodianus Punctatus. Perea Punctata, Bloch. Porta Praya.
Bodianus Maculatus, new species, Bowd., fig. 39.
Ther.e are numerous sharp-pointed, irregular teeth in each, jaw ; thè
dorsal fin has 11 spines and 16 rays, the caudal 14 rays, the anal 2 spines
and 10 rays, the ventral 1 spine and 4 rays, the pectoral 16 rays; The
pre-operculum is entire, and the operculum has 2 flat spines within the
edge ; the whole fish is white, speckled with black ; the scales are very
indistinct. Bona Vista.
Pristipoma Humilia, new species, Bowd., fig. 40.
The forehead of this species has but Bile elevation; its teeth are en velours ;
the pre-operculum is finely cjentated, thé operculum is entire ; the dorsal
fin has 13 spines and 14 rays, the caudal 18 rays, the anal 2 spines (one
very short) and 8 rays, and the ventral 1 spine and 5 rays; the fins and
tail are of a pale yellow, the rest of the fish is silvery ; two rows of small
scales coyer, the base of the ventral fin. St. Jago and Bona Vista.
Scïæna Elongata, new species, Bowd., fig. 43.
This species bears very closely upon the Sciæna Levistomus of Cuvier,
but the spines of the dorsal fin aré much stronger, and the body is considerably
elongated ; the dorsal fin has 1 1 spines, the first of which is very
short, and 34 rays ; the anal 1 short, and 1 very broad, flat spine, and 6
rays ; the colour is a silvery gray tinged with yellow, and the fins are
yellow. Porta Praya.
Sciæna D ux, new species, Bowd., fig. 54.
I have thus named it, from its being distinguished by the natives of the