Adam there, and kept him 300 years, when he created Howa, a woman,
for him, and they were permitted to eat of every thing in heaven, but one
sort of fruit. Adam knew Ybleess from the above circumstance, but
Howa did not. Ybleess feeling his soul' on fire, went and demanded
o f God, payment or reward for all the prayers and good works which
he had performed in his previous life, and God asked him what pay he
wanted. Ybleess replied, “ I want company in the fire," and God
answered, “ Go then, and try to make people'wicked if you can, but d
shall not make people to put them in the fire, for the sake of keeping you
company.” . Ybleess then thanked him, and went to Howa, to whom he
said, “ All the fruit in heaven is good, but this passes (surpasses) every
other, w hy then do you not eat of it? Howa said, “ My husband told
me not.” Ybleess returned, “ Your husband deceives you, God never
said so, for it is the best fruit of all, and Adam wants it for another
woman.” “ But there- is no other woman." - “ Yes, there is ; but you
have been kept ignorant of her existence.” Howa then ate three fruits,
and took two more, which she put under the pillow of the bed, and then
charged Adam with the other woman. Adam swore it was false, and
Howa replied, “ Swear not, but eat of this fruit, and I will believe.” He
began to eat, and God sent Gabriel to prevent him. Gabriel seized
Adam by the throat, to prevent his swallowing it (which made man have
what is called Adam’s apple). God then told Ybleess, if any one met
him they might kill him. God called Adam three times, and said, KlFdr
this which you have done, I must create one earthly world for your
descendants, for you and they w illb e unfit for heaven now; and you
must descend to this earth, where you will find trouble every day, and
even that which you think good will prove to be evil. Go to it then.”
God then sent him a little book called Chosan, and told him to go and
wash, and to wash his heart first, then to pray; and said; “ You must ’die,
but after death you shall come to heaven.”
God began to make the world. <on a Friday, and finished it on the
Wednesday; Thursday he rested. Friday is to be the day of judgment,
and when that same Friday comes, it will last 300 years, and there will
be rain for ten years, to destroy the world before the judgment.
There were a great many wicked people, but Noah was a good man,
and a prophet among them, and had a wife named Djooliaka, and one
very wicked son, who was very powerful. Djooliaka was also very bad,
and a scoffer of God, and Noah felt compelled to pray for a deluge and
a new world. He began to pray on a Friday, and the angel Gabriel came
on the following Friday, and said, that God would grant the deluge.
Noah then built a large ship, and wrote God’s and his own name upon
every plank, and Sitani (a minor devil) licked out the names. Noah -in
his distress prayed to God, who sent him a dog, (then created for the fifst
time) who kept off Sitani by trying to bite him. Noah was three
months making the ship, and three days collecting every thing, male and
female, that had life. The deluge lasted 300 years, and it was very cold.
When Noah thought it time to descend from the ark, he called the little
pigeon “ as big as his little finger,” named Rammatto, and which could
fly seven weeks without stopping, and asked him if the rain had ceased,
and Rammatto said, “ you must call and ask the sun,” and Noah then
told him to get up, and go into the sky, and if he came back to alight at
Mecca. Rammatto, flying to the east, near Mecca, there discovered the
first dry land, and took Noah back some of the grass; Noah seeing that,
went out, and built a large city. And the beasts came out, stood, and
walked about, and lived in the ark no more; but when Noah’s son Habil
killed his brother, they all ran away, and said, “ We are no longer safe,
for man would kill us more readily than his brother; therefore, let us
avoid him.” Hence the fear and avoiding of man by animals, and their
living in the bush.